Chief Desmond Gets a New Assistant


У понедељак, Децембар 15, 1902, Свети. Louis Police Assistant Chief of Detectives James H. Smith retired from the police department to take a position in the coal industry. Chief of Detectives William Desmond attempted to convince Smith to stay but he decided to retire from the force as his fortieth birthday approached. Smith compiled a commendable record as Desmond’s Assistant.

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Prelude to 1912 Presidential Election


Theodore Roosevelt made a fateful decision on Election Day 1904. He announced after being elected to the Presidency in his own right after ascending to the office upon the assassination of William McKinley that he would not run for another term in 1908. Roosevelt had served almost a full term before his election as McKinley was assassinated in September 1901.

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Шеф Десмонд знојење Нитро Провалник


У петак, Октобар 21, 1904, један од највећих трагедија у Ст. Луис Полиција историја догодио када су двојица воз разбојници и три Ст. Луис Полицијске детективи умро у пуцњави. До сукоба дошло у малој хотелској соби на Пине Стреет. Два дана касније у недељу, Октобар 23, 1904, a burglar attempted to gain entry to a realty office at

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Детектив Трејси Транспортс Трунк убица


During April 1885, Свети. Louis experienced one of its most sensational murders. Two English travelers had checked into the Southern Hotel in early April 1885. Ц. Arthur Preller and H. М. Brooks, who was going by the alias of Dr. Maxwell, appeared to be very friendly. Although they had separate rooms, they often stayed in the same room together. Ат

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Свети. Louis Police Nab Robber of Policeman


У понедељак, Март 5, 1900, Свети. Louis Police Officers Thomas Meagher and Thomas Degnan apprehended men who robbed an East St. Louis Officer of his gun. Ed Sullivan, a 22 year-old transient, robbed an East St. Louis Police Officer of his gun, jewelry and possessions in late February 1900. Officer Thomas Meagher observed Sullivan and Harry Davis walking near Olive

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Cracksmen Caught at Eugene Field House


У суботу, Март 12, 1904, Свети. Louis Detective James J. Moran led a team of detectives to a room in a row house at 634 South Broadway on St. Лоуис’ Near South Side. Frank Ward, a suspected safe cracker, rented a room in the row house. Besides Ward, the detectives arrested Edward Seely and John Shumway. Moran and the detectives

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Robber Helps Catch Killer


H. H. Holmes was America’s first known serial killer in the modern definition of the word. Holmes operated “the Murder Castle”, a Chicago hotel during the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. Holmes would eventually be convicted of sixteen murders but may have murdered more than 100 people during his operation of the hotel. What is less well known is that St.

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Аматерски Слеутх Браве Динамитардс


Недеља ујутро, Август 12, 1900, Свети. Луис Полиција је ухапсила четворицу бивших транзитне линије трамвај радника због дизања у ваздух линију Маслиново Стреет на Мериленд авенији између Н. Таилор и Н. Еуклид Авенуес на претходне ноћи у 11:00 сати увече. Полиција је ухапсила Маурице Бреннан, И Фред. Нортхваи, Јамес Шварц и Џејмс Финнесеи. Полиција је пронашла 30 pounds of dynamite and 30 feet

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Union President Stabbed In 1900 Штрајк


У једном од оних чудних случајности историје, Трамвај Унија Председник Шерман Ц. Патерсон је избоден од стране синдиката машиниста по имену Едвард Цанти после салону неслагања. У време када је неколико његових противника у 1900 Свети. Louis Streetcar Strike would love to have seen him sent on a train out of town, Patterson is stabbed by

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Girlfriend Kills St. Louis Officer


On Monday evening, Јул 16, 1917, Свети. Louis Police Officer Julius H. Petring assigned to the North Market Division entered a rooming house at 2301 Н. Market Street. Petring asked the proprietor William Dietrich to rent a room for him and his wife. His “wife” was his recently divorced girlfriend Freda Hagenmeyer. Officer Petring had been seeing Freda Hagenmeyer, who

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