Head Rat heriotza

willie-egan-eta saloon

William T.”Willie” Egan hartu baino gehiago “Egan en Rats” anaia zaharrenak Tom in heriotzari buruzko 1919. Thomas “Suge” Kinney eta bere haurtzaroko lagun eta anaia-legeak Tom Egan osatutako St. Louis’ 1800s bukaeran erakunde kriminala. Bai Kinney eta Tom Egan ziren Saloon keepers eta politikariei Demokratikoa. Okupatuak dute “Ratas” for political slugging and other criminal activities. Thomas

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A Tale of Two Turnvereine Halls


The fate of much of St. Louis’ historic buildings prove the old real estate adage. It’s all about location, location, location. If the building is in the South St. Louis, it has a better chance of being saved than a building on the North Side. The same could be said for buildings located in the center of the city except

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Union Bank Lapurreta Kolpe


Ostiralean, Martxoa 13, 1903, the Franklin County Judge William Davidson arraigned William Rudolph and George Collins for the robbery of the Union Bank and the murder of Pinkerton Detective Charles Schumacher. Rudolph eta Collins plead “ez errudun”. Davidson epaileak hiru abokatuek esleitutako Rudolph eta Collins irudikatzeko. William Rudolph aitortza bat eman St izateko. Louis media, which was

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