Joe Stecher Beats Ad Santel


Joe Stecher started out 1915, a fateful year for his career, with a victory over Adolph Ernst. Ernst wrestled under the name Otto Carpenter for this match but was known to professional wrestling fans as Ad Santel. Santel had a deserved reputation for being a vicious “prostitutė”, a wrestler skilled in submission holds. Stecher was a 22-year-old Nebraskan, who made

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Lewisas kovoja „Mondt“ Kansas City mieste


Pasaulio sunkiasvorių imtynių čempionas Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled hundreds of legitimate wrestling matches with Joseph “Toots” Mondt over the years. During conversations with his young protégé, Lou Thesz, Lewis said he only had to worry about losing to two wrestlers in his long career. Only Mondt and Stanislaus Zbyszko had a chance of defeating him in a legitimate contest. One

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Ruošiantis Munas Lewisui


On Sunday, Gruodis 14, 1924, “Big” Wayne Munn wrestled Joseph “Toots” Mondt in the main event of the wrestling card at the Kansas City, Misūris, Convention Hall. 10,000 fans showed up to cheer on Munn, a former college football player for the University of Nebraska. Munn was billed at 6’06”, which may have been an exaggeration but he was significantly

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Ūkininkas degina mūšius Evanas Lewisas


The biggest American pro wrestling match of the 19th Century occurred on April 21, 1895 in Chicago, Illinois. Evanas “Strangler” Lewis defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Martin “Ūkininkas” Nudegimai. The 34-year-olds were both skilled withhooksor submission holds making them the top of the food chain in legitimate professional wrestling. Lewis had been undisputed champion since 1893

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Gotch Bests Bulgarian


Balandžio 14, 1909, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Yussif Mahmout, a skilled Bulgarian wrestler, in Chicago, Illinois for his title. Fans considered Mahmout a tough challenger primarily because they had not seen him wrestle. Emil Klank, Gotch’s manager, convinced foreign wrestlers with good reputations like Mahmout and Stanislaus Zbyszko to travel to America to challenge Gotch. Fans

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Abergas atskleidžia Curley


Aleksandras “Alex” Aberg made headlines in 1917 during a lawsuit over his refusal to fulfill a wrestling committment in Boston during March 1917. Aberg agreed to wrestle Wladek Zbyszko, his main opponent during the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournaments, for Boston promoter George Touhey. Tačiau, Aberg pulled out of the bout shortly after signing an agreement to wrestle his

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Gotcho pertraukėlės koja


After marrying his wife Gladys and beating Georg Hackenschmidt a second time, both in 1911, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch began to wrestle a more limited schedule. His wife Gladys was not a big fan of wrestling and wanted her new husband to spend more time at home in Humboldt, Ajova. In the world of wrestling at the time,

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Clarence Whistler mirė Australijoje


Clarence Whistler gimė Indianoje 1856. Stovėdamas tik 5’09” ar taip ir sveria 165 svarų, Švilpukas buvo laikomas vienu galingiausių savo eros imtynininkų. Whistleris buvo vienintelis imtynininkas, galėjęs sunkiai praleisti Williamą Muldooną per 9 metus trukusį Muldoono bėgimą kaip pasaulio čempionas. Whistleris pirmiausia varžėsi graikų-romėnų imtyse, the dominant style in

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Zbyszko Injures Dr. Volelis


Gegužės 17, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko’s year-long tour of America continued as he met Dr. Benjamin F. Roller in Buffalo, New York. Zbyszko, a Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion from Poland, wanted to generate interest in a potential match with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. While Dr. Roller was never able to beat Gotch, he was considered one of the top American

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Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ Mirtinas galvos užraktas


Vedantis į jo sausį 24, 1921 titulo rungtynės su buvusiu pasaulio čempionu Earlu Caddocku, Pasaulio sunkiasvorių imtynių čempionas Ed “Strangler” Manoma, kad Lewisas sužeidė du ankstesnius varžovus, Wladek Zbyszko ir Joe Stecher, su savo galvos apdangalu. Lewisas naudojo galvos užraktą, kad numestų priešininką ant grindų. Zbyszko buvo išmuštas beprasmis, kai jo galva atsitrenkė į

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