Gotch Bests Bulgarian


აპრილს 14, 1909, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Yussif Mahmout, a skilled Bulgarian wrestler, in Chicago, Illinois for his title. Fans considered Mahmout a tough challenger primarily because they had not seen him wrestle. Emil Klank, Gotch’s manager, convinced foreign wrestlers with good reputations like Mahmout and Stanislaus Zbyszko to travel to America to challenge Gotch. Fans

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Aberg Exposes Curley


Aleksander “Alex” Aberg made headlines in 1917 during a lawsuit over his refusal to fulfill a wrestling committment in Boston during March 1917. Aberg agreed to wrestle Wladek Zbyszko, his main opponent during the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournaments, for Boston promoter George Touhey. However, Aberg pulled out of the bout shortly after signing an agreement to wrestle his

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Gotch Breaks Leg


After marrying his wife Gladys and beating Georg Hackenschmidt a second time, both in 1911, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch began to wrestle a more limited schedule. His wife Gladys was not a big fan of wrestling and wanted her new husband to spend more time at home in Humboldt, Iowa. In the world of wrestling at the time,

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კლარენს უისლერი გარდაიცვალა ავსტრალიაში


კლარენს უისლერი დაიბადა ინდიანაში 1856. დგომისას მხოლოდ 5’09” ან ასე და წონით 165 ფუნტი, უისლერი ითვლებოდა თავისი ეპოქის ერთ-ერთ უძლიერეს მოჭიდავედ. უისლერი იყო ერთადერთი მოჭიდავე, რომელმაც უილიამ მულდუნს გაუჭირდა მსოფლიო ჩემპიონის 9-წლიანი რბოლის განმავლობაში.. უისლერი ძირითადად ბერძნულ-რომაულ ჭიდაობაში ასპარეზობდა, დომინანტური სტილი

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Prizefighters Meet in Liverpool Pub


For the October 5, 1861 edition of the Cincinnati Daily Press, editors pulled a story off the wire service from the Spirit of the Times. The wire story reported on a fight between former English prizefighting champion Tom Sayers and current English champion Jem Mace. Both Sayers and Mace were touring with English circuses, when they stopped in at a

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Zbyszko Injures Dr. Roller


მაისი 17, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko’s year-long tour of America continued as he met Dr. Benjamin F. Roller in Buffalo, New York. Zbyszko, a Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion from Poland, wanted to generate interest in a potential match with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. While Dr. Roller was never able to beat Gotch, he was considered one of the top American

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და “Strangler” Lewis’ Deadly Headlock


Leading into his January 24, 1921 title match with former world champion Earl Caddock, მსოფლიო მძიმე წონაში ჭიდაობის ჩემპიონი ედ “Strangler” Lewis was reputed to have injured his previous two opponents, Wladek Zbyszko and Joe Stecher, with his headlock. Lewis would use the headlock to hip toss his opponent to the floor. Zbyszko was knocked senseless, when his head hit the

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How to Setup a Big Rematch


On St. Patrick’s Day 1908, Martin “Farmer” Burns met the small but powerful Fred Beell. While both wrestlers weighed 165 ფუნტი, “Farmer” Burns stood 5’11to Beell’s 5’04”. The 32-year-old Beell had a big age advantage over the 47-year-old Burns though. Burns debuted in 1879, when Beell was 3-years-old. The men were scheduled for a match in Omaha, Nebraska, one

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დანკან როსი იჭიდავებს სორაკიჩი მაცუდა


აპრილს 21, 1884, დუნკან C. როსი შეხვდა სორაკიჩი მაცუდას, ასევე ცნობილია როგორც მაცადა, პირველი იაპონელი პროფესიონალი მოჭიდავე შეერთებულ შტატებში. მაცუდა ემიგრაციაში წავიდა შეერთებულ შტატებში, რათა განეხორციელებინა თავისი ოცნება, გამხდარიყო პროფესიონალი მოჭიდავე, რადგან ის იმ დროს იაპონიაში ნამდვილად არ არსებობდა.. 28-წლის დუნკან როსი დაიბადა შოტლანდიური წარმოშობის თურქეთში მარტს

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Wrestler Beats Jujitsu Man


On St. Patrick’s Day, მარტი 17, 1905, წმინდა. Louis sports fans were treated to a special match between local professional wrestler George Baptiste and traveling Japanese jujitsu practitioner Arata Suzuki. Baptiste delighted local fans by quickly defeating Suzuki in two straight falls. George Baptiste was a professional wrestler and all-around athlete, whose powerful swimming saved many St. Louisans from drowning

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