Whistler and Ross Disgust Crowd


After several months of wrangling, Clarence Whistler met Duncan C. Ross on Monday, Лістапада 7, 1881 in a best three-out-of-five falls match. Two falls were to be conducted in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, which both men were considered adept at. Two falls were to be conducted in collar-and-elbow wrestling, which was a Ross speciality. The final fall would be conducted in Greco-Roman

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Іспанскі Каба Таямніца (1935)


Іспанскі Каба Таямніца (1935) з'яўляецца экранізацыяй аднаго з раманаў Элеры Куін. Два стрыечных брата, Фрэдэрык Dannay і Манфрэд Лі, , Які напісаў шэраг дэтэктыўных раманаў пад псеўданімам галоўнага персанажа. У гэтым фільме, Эллер Каралева ўзяць адпачынак у Каліфорнію са сваім сябрам Суддзя Маклін. Вядома, яны не доўга ў іх

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Dan Daly Beats Ed Kelly


У снежні 1920, robbers killed Patrolman Charles Daly at the entrance to his home in the 4000 block of Forest Park Boulevard. Вуліца. Louis Police aggressively investigated the murder but it was never solved. Prior to his death, the Daly name was already well-known in St. Луіс. Charles Daly was the son of professional prizefighter Dan Daly, who fought in

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Трыумф Шэрлака Холмса (1935)


Трыумф Шэрлака Холмса (1935) з'яўляецца адным з пяці Шэрлак Холмс фільмаў у галоўнай ролі Артур Вонтнер Шэрлак Холмс. Дырэктар Леслі S. Hiscott адаптавалі Шэрлак Холмс раман Даліна страху, але дадаў, гісторыі, каб даць прафесара Марыярці і Col. Ролі Себасцьян Моран ў гісторыі. Значную частку фільма займае пераказ

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Officer Fatally Wounded Nabbing Killer

стары СТЛ-паліцэйскі значок

Лістапада 16, 1877, Вуліца. Луі паліцэйскі Джон S. White and his partner Officer Heffernan responded to a report of a wanted man tried to pawn stolen merchandise at Wright’s Pawnshop. Чалавек як пасля высветлілася, Фрэнк Rande ўвайшлі ламбард Райта каля 9:30 A.M. Райт паслаў аднаго са сваіх памочнікаў у паліцыі. As Officer White and Heffernan

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Was Lewis or Gotch Better?


У студзені 1921, Ad Santel started a minor controversy by claiming Ed “Душыцель” Lewis was a better wrestler than the late Frank Gotch. Santel trained with both Gotch and Lewis, so he did have an insider’s knowledge. Was he right though? Gotch was the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Gotch won the title by defeating the great Georg Hackenschmidt.

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Paul Pons, Maker of Wrestling Stars


Paul Pons was the Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion of France in the 1890s. He won a tournament at the Folies-Bergeres before winning a tournament in Russia in 1898. Гэтыя перамогі дазволілі яму прэтэндаваць на чэмпіянат свету па грэка-рымскай барацьбе. Pons capitalized on this notoriety by opening a gym to train wrestlers and strong men. Pons’ Перамога была асабліва значнай з-за

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Прыгажунчык St Флойда. Луі Рабаванне


У 1934, Charles ArthurPretty BoyFloyd ended his criminal career in an East Liverpool, Ohio corn field after a shoot out with FBI agents and local law enforcement officers. Аднак, in December 1925, he was inmate number 29078 at the Missouri Penitentiary. The 21-year-old Floyd had just been convicted of robbing the Kroeger Grocery and Baking Company main office

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Suspects But No Murderers


Кастрычнік 16, 1920, Special Officers Preston Anslyn and William A. Moller were following two burglars in the 3800 block of Juanita Avenue during a heavy fog. One or both burglars shot the officers from a gangway as they walked onto the lawn of a house, where they thought the burglars entered. The officers both suffered fatal wounds, які забіваў

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Appointment with Danger (1950)


I’m continuing with watching some old Alan Ladd movies that I first saw thirty years ago on American Movie Classics (AMC), when they showed classic movies. I recently watched Appointment with Danger (1950), which was as entertaining as I remembered it. Paramount Pictures released Appointment with Danger (affiliate link) in London in 1950 but didn’t release it in the United

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