Pinkertons Capture William Rudolph


Over the next three weeks, I will be releasing posts, which are excerpts from the book I’m currently working on and one from a previously published book. The following unedited story is from the book I’m working on which will be released in the Fall or early Winter 2017. William Rudolph proved elusive after his Independence Day escape from the

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Шэрлак Холмс перад тварам смерці (1943)


Шэрлак Холмс перад тварам смерці (1943) па матывах Прыгоды Масгрейв Рытуалу. Аповяд быў апублікаваны ў The Strand Magazine ў траўні 1893. Пазней ён быў складзены ва ўспамінах Шэрлака Холмса. У гісторыі, Масгрэйв Асабняк правёў сакрэт, што нават яго жыхары не ведалі,. This film follows the same plot line

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Lt. Sidney Sears Shot


Few events shocked St. Louis like the line of duty death of Lt. Sidney Sears in June 1924. For almost 30 гадоў, Lt. Sears was considered the best pistol shot on the St. Дэпартамент Луі паліцыі. У 1904, Sears was also National Pistol Champion of the United States. For someone to kill Lt. Sears in a shootout was considered impossible.

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Kate Chopin Collapses at World’s Fair


Kate Chopin, daughter of a prominent French family and at the time local author, collapsed at the St. Луіс 1904 World’s Fair on August 20, 1904. Madame Chopin was only 54 years old and suffered a brain hemorrhage or aneurism. She died at her home on McPherson Avenue on August 22, 1904. Kate Chopin was born Kate O’Flaherty in St.

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Muldoon Fails to Throw Sorakichi 5 Times


Dominant champions like William Muldoon often had to accept handicap conditions to get fans interested in watching them wrestle. Паколькі фанаты лічылі Кларэнса Уістлера дастаткова кваліфікаваным, каб рэальна пагражаць яго праўленню, Muldoon would often generate interest by either performing feats of strength or taking on the challenge of handicap conditions. Мая 5, 1885, Muldoon met Matsuda Sorokichi, хто

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Дзік Трэйсі сустрэўся Цяжка (1947)


Дзік Трэйсі сустрэўся Цяжка (1947) гэта апошняя запіс у “B” фільм серыі. RKO Pictures прыняла шэраг больш з рэспублікі Фотаздымкі, СААЗ выпусціла арыгінальныя серыялы Дзік Трэйсі ў канцы 1930-х і пачатку 1940-х гадоў. RKO Pictures выпусціла фільм у кінатэатрах верасня 26, 1947. РКО прынёс Барыс Карлофф, каб гуляць жудасных, one of Dick Tracy’s arch

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William Desmond Passes Away


У аўторак, Ліпеня 4, 1916, former St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond passed away after an illness of two years. Desmond was in Alexian Brothers Hospital from October 1915 until his death on Independence Day 1916. The 59-year-old Desmond left a 12-year-old son, William Desmond, Малодшы. Chief Desmond’s wife died several years before him. Для 17 years from 1890

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Цені За Chinatown (1946)


Калі Twentieth Century-Fox вырашыла адмовіцца ад шэрагу Чарлі Чана пасля замка ў пустыні (1942), Сідні Toler набыў правы на серыю і ўзяў яго ў Monogram Pictures. Пасля таго, 11 фільмы з Twentieth Century-Fox, Toler б 11 Чарлі Чан фільмы з Monogram Pictures. Цені За Chinatown (1946) was the ninth film that Toler made for Monogram

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Stecher Beats Катлер для амерыканскага Назвы,en

Джо Стэтчэр

When Frank Gotch retired as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion after beating Georg Lurich in his last match, promoters scrambled to find a successor. Samuel Rachmann tried to put forth his own champion by hosting the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament in New York City. Rachmann wanted his challenger Aberg to win the tournament and be recognized by the public as the

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