Detective Desmond Gets His Men


Before he became St. Louis Chief of Detectives in 1890, William Desmond plied his trade as a Detective with the St. Louis Departamento de Polícia Metropolitana. During February 1890, Detective Desmond’s persistent efforts to locate two confidence men paid off with the arrest of both men. “Kinch” Keegan and “Thatch” Grady were brother-in-laws and accomplices in several confidence games. Em janeiro de

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Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938)


Peter Lorre reprises his role as Mr. Kentaro Moto, Interpol Agent, in Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938). James Tinling directed this film and Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1937). Tinling’s participation caused Lorre to portray Mr. Moto more like Inspector Chan with a little jujitsu thrown in. Neste filme, Mr. Moto teaches a criminal investigation class to several budding investigators including

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Jack Johnson e A Luta do Século


Depois de Jack Johnson tornou-se campeão, uma falta de candidatos fortes causaram pressão pública para montar em James J. Jeffires, o ex-campeão dos pesos pesados ​​aposentado, para acabar com sua aposentadoria e lutar Johnson. Jeffries foi considerado o primeiro e mais credível do “Esperança Branca” contendores. Em seu auge, Jeffries provavelmente não poderia bater Johnson. Em 35 anos de idade, e quase 300

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Hannah McLaughlin Desmond (1879 – 1904)


Em janeiro de 7, 1903, St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond married 24-year-old Hannah McLaughlin in a ceremony he hoped to keep secret. The 46-year-old Desmond always said he would never marry due to the dangers of his job. However, he was clearly smitten with Hannah McLaughlin. Em Março 1897, o St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed the first rumors of an

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