Flus Perikolużi (1946)


Flus Perikolużi (1946) hija t-tieni għall-aħħar Charlie Chan films starring Sidney TOLER minn Monogram Pictures. Wara l-mewt Sidney TOLER ta, Roland Winters se tieħu f'idejha r-rwol għal disa films aktar. Dan film (link affiljat) tippermetti magħna biex japprezzaw pittura TOLER ta 'Spettur Chan għal kważi l-aħħar darba. This film was the tenth for Monogram and his

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Face Hart taħbita Up Fist Johnson

Marvin qalb

On a March night in San Francisco, heavyweight contender Marvin Hart proved pure aggressiveness could sometimes win a decision. Wara 20 rounds of boxing, referee Greggains, the only judge, awarded the decision over the great Jack Johnson to Hart. Hart met Johnson on March 28, 1905. Johnson entered the ring as the betting favorite. He also entered as one of

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Il-Gorilla (1939)

għadu l-gorilla

Il-Gorilla (1939) hija kummiedja-misteru “B” film (link affiljat) starring the Ritz Brothers, Joseph Calleia, Bela Lugosi u Lionell ATWILL. Il-film kien prodott minn Għoxrin Seklu Fox qabel ma nieqaf teħid “B” films, the first film on a double bill. Il Brothers Ritz kienu attivi bejn 1925 u l-1960, when Al Ritz the oldest brother passed away. Il-

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The Woman in Green (1945)


The Woman in Green (1945) is the ninth of twelve Sherlock Holmes (link affiljat) produced by Universal Pictures. Basil Rathbone returns as Holmes in the eleventh of fourteen turns as the English sleuth. The film is one of the few “B” series films, which could have been an “A” film. Sherlock Holmes investigates the murder of several young London women.

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Il-Bat (1926)


Roland V. West xtara d-drittijiet u diretti L-Bat (1926) (link affiljat), wieħed mill-ewwel “house dlam qodma” misteri għal Artist Uniti 1926. Arthur Edeson kien il-cinematographer kemm dan il-film u The Dark House Old (1932), li jaqsmu elementi espressjonista simili. Iż-żewġ films huma stabbiliti fl mansions kbar, which have seen better days. The key

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