Create Something Great After 4 Tahun


Sebuah mitos umum dalam seni bela diri adalah bahwa studi master untuk 40 tahun, mengembangkan pemahaman yang hampir super membela diri, menciptakan sistem yang sempurna dan ternyata generasi pejuang yang tidak ada duanya. Sebelum popularitas seni bela diri campuran, many of the magazines such as Black Belt were full of stories about which martial art was the best. If you polled

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Caroline Leah “Lee” Ellis


Nenek besar, Caroline Leah “Lee” Ellis nee Johannpeter lahir Frederick William Agustus Johannpeter, 1839 – 1903, dan Joanna Grieve, 1843 – Diketahui, di St. Charles, MO Juni 13, 1881. Dia adalah yang termuda kedua dari enam bersaudara, Gustav, Anna, Amalia “Marie”, Julius “Jules” dan Charles Frederick. Great Grandma was said to be a very strong-willed person.

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Great Grandma’s Old Flat


This is a story about 1942-44 Hebert Street, which is located in the Old North St. Louis neighborhood of St. Louis, MO. Like many of its neighbors, this structure has seen better days. I became interested in the building because my great grandmother lived at this address in 1930. My maternal grandfather’s family lived in the northern part of St.

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