I “Davitelj” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


U ponedjeljak, Prosinac 13, 1920, I “Davitelj” Lewis je osvojio prvu od šest svjetskih prvaka u hrvanju u teškoj kategoriji od Joea Stechera. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. Godinu dana prije ove utakmice, Stecher i Lewis sastali su se u meču koji je trajao više od tri sata. Lewis je napravio mentalnu pogrešku

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Mysterious Mr. Prijedlog (1938)

još uvijek hvala-mr-moto

Prvog listopada 14, 1938, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation released the fifth of eight Mr. Moto Films starring Peter Lorre as Interpol Policeman Kentaro Moto. In Mysterious Mr. Prijedlog (1938), G.. Moto infiltrates a prison and helps a prisoner escape to discover the plans of his criminal organization. G.. Moto breaks international criminal Paul Brissac, played by Leon Ames, out of

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Wrestler Saves Drowning Priest


George Baptiste spent about twenty years serving as St. Louis’ resident all-around athlete before taking over the company, Baptiste Tent and Awning, founded by his father Alexander Baptiste. Besides plying his trade as an occasional but accomplished professional wrestler, Baptise was a powerful swimmer. Kolovoza 11, 1900, Baptiste used his swimming skills to save another St. Louisan from drowning.

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