Hackenschmidt Tours St. Louis, en 1905


O maio 9, 1905 edición do St. Sección deporte de Louis República contiña unha historia sobre un próximo partido entre wrestler lugar, George Baptiste eo Campión Wrestling World Touring, George Hackenschmidt. The paper did not give Baptiste a chance against Hackenschmidt, who just beat Tom Jenkins for the World Championship. If the editor knew “Hack’s” condition at the time, he may have

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Zbyszko and the Last Shoot Match


Stanislaus Zbyszko naceu Stanislaw Xan Cygankiewicz en abril 1, 1879 en Jodlow, Polonia, que formaba parte do Imperio Austro-Húngaro. Segundo a Wikipedia, escolleu o nome do anel Stanislaus Zbyszko porque era o nome dun cabaleiro polaco de ficción. Un artigo no Walla Walla, Xornal Washington, Do The Evening Statesman martes, Febreiro 8, 1910 edition, publicized Zbyszko’s university and

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Hack and What It Takes To Be Great

traxe de george-hackenschmidt

George Hackenschmidt (1877-1968) foi unha marca sostendo halterofilista mundo e campión de Wrestling World Heavyweight antes de wrestling foi premeditado e ascensores estaban usando esteroides. Hackenschmidt alcanzou un nivel de grandeza debido a varios factores. El alcanzou un alto nivel de aptitude física. His physical condition allowed him to be the most successful wrestler of his era. A few wrestlers may have been

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The Pearl of Death (1944)


Sherlock Holmes en A Perla da Morte (1944) é o noveno de catorce películas da serie estrelada por Basil Rathbone como Sherlock Holmes. Nesta película, Holmes is battling archcriminal Giles Conover, interpretado por Miles Mander. Conover is attempting to steal a valuable pearl from the British Museum. He is aided in his crimes by accomplices Naomi Drake and The

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Robbers Kill Detective Sergeant in 1920


Nunha noite fría de xaneiro, en 1920, the deadliest year for St. Louis Policía, kicked off violently. Two not so-bright robbers attempted to rob one of the largest and bravest officers on the St. Louis Departamento de Policía. St. Louis Policía Detective Sergeant James Martin King estaba camiñando para a súa casa en 4973 Lotus Avenue vía N. Kingshighway Boulevard, when two

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