Il-Pimpernel Scarlet


While it may not be on classic film lists, I love The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934) (link affiljat). It is an adaptation of the novel (link affiljat) bl-istess isem, miktuba minn Baroness Orczy. The film concerns an English gentleman, who risks his life to save French aristocrats from the guillotine. Sir Percy Blakeney married Marguerite, a French woman with

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Jack Johnson u l-ġlieda tas-Seklu


After Jack Johnson became champion, a lack of strong contenders caused public pressure to mount on James J. Jeffires, l-eks champion heavyweight rtirati, to end his retirement and fight Johnson. Jeffries was considered the first and most credible of the “White Hope” kontendenti. Fil-prim tiegħu, Jeffries probably couldn’t beat Johnson. Fil 35 years of age and nearly 300

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Jack Johnson, American Boxing Pioneer


Jack Johnson dejjem kien suġġett iebsa għalija. I jammiraw kuraġġ tiegħu u s-saħħa fil-konfrontazzjoni mibegħda u bigotry fi żmien meta jagħmlu hekk jqiegħdu l-ħajja tiegħu fil-periklu. Huwa rrifjuta li jikkonformaw u jaċċettaw pożizzjoni ta 'inferjorità lill-Amerikani abjad. Madankollu, like many human beings he was a flawed man. He beat his first wife

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