Episode 64 – St. Louis’ L-ewwel Pro Wrestler


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/spdmc7h6u67pu7gw/Episode_645yst8.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the professional wrestling and refereeing career of St. Louis’ first professional wrestler, George Baptiste. Update With this episode, we will now be a weekly podcast. We may do review episodes occasionally. Dan will also be returning to the show in two weeks. Shooter f'Dinja Maħduma: John Pesek

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Episode 61 – Evan Lewis vs. Tom Connors


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/cmbp5xc7yxmqkviu/Episode_616q81g.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, Jingħaqad ma' kuġin tiegħi Dan hekk kif niddiskutu l-kontroversjali 1887 partita bejn Evan “Strangler” Lewis u l-Ingliż jaqbdu lil wrestler Tom Connors. Aġġornament Lestejt il-modifiki tal-ktieb John Pesek din il-ġimgħa. Wara qari tal-provi u editjar, għandu jkun barra l-ewwel ġimgħa f'Settembru 2024. Il-

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Episode 57 – X'qiegħed jiġri?


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/eeqc2peen7iscvva/Episode_578wxzc.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, Niddiskuti l-iskeda tal-podcasts li jmiss u r-reviżjonijiet għal kenzimmermanjr.com. Aġġornament Neħħejt ħafna mill-postijiet Legacy madwar il-ġenealoġija, ħajja tal-familja, u film. Niddiskuti għaliex f'dan l-episodju dwar għaliex bdejt nibbloggja u kif il-websajt inbidlet matul dak iż-żmien. Tista' tħalli kumment jew tistaqsi

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Episode 53 – Backers vs. Promoturi


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/yvvhhixd68359ike/Episode_536ggjr.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, Niddiskuti l-video ta' wara l-kwinti minn AEW f'Wembley, tkellem dwar pro wrestling qabel is-sistema moderna ta 'promozzjoni, u tirrevedi Wrestlemania XL Day 2. Aġġornament Niddiskutu l-AEW li tirrilaxxa l-filmati fil-backstage tal-battibekk bejn CM Punk u Jack Perry. Main Content Niddiskuti kif Tony Khan jaġixxi aktar bħal

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Episode 48 – Legendary Stories


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ecq6xe/Episode_4871v8z.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss who is responsible for all the legends and stories around professional wrestling by looking at the Legend of Chief Two Feathers. Update We discuss some corrections to the episode on William Muldoon and Clarence Whistler. I also share my thoughts on WWE Elimination Chamber, since I was the only

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Episode 46 – Muldoon vs. Whistler


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/wcgriz/Episode_469ayhx.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss William Muldoon vs. Clarence Whistler as we try to be more positive this week. Update We only spend a few minutes talking about the Vince McMahon scandal. I make a book recommendation, Ken Patera: Weight of the World (link affiljat), and share a few stories about my dad, Ernest

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Episode 45 – It’s a Dirty Business


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/6qx7wc/Episode_457r6gp.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the Vince McMahon scandal, the dirty deeds of promoters in the past, and review the 2024 Royal Rumble. We end this long episode talking about wrestling on TV in St. Louis during the 1980s. Update We spend time discussing the WWE scandal involving Vince McMahon and John Laurenitius. Main

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Episode 43 – Mixed Bout


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/n9e7e9/Episode_4382qwo.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadUpdate I have finished writing Origins of a Legend: The Making of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. After editing, it should be released in late January/early February 2024. We briefly discuss Vince Russo’s ideas for a women’s wrestling organization. We try to figure out the market for this material. We also suggest a therapist is probably

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Episode 42 – Gambling Schemes


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/z9gqwp/Episode_426s6a2.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss how gambling schemes fed into professional wrestling’s unsavory reputation. Update I am two-thirds done with the book on Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ karriera bikrija. The book should be out in late January or early February. This episode is sponsored by Redhawk Mercantile. Main Content We discuss a 19th Century gambling

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Episode 35 – Logħba twila


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/rk2w6b/Episode_357yy4l.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | Niżżel Aġġornament Niddiskutu l-podcast li jmiss dwar id-dokumentarju ta' YouTube, 350 Jiem. Niddiskutu wkoll il-proġett il-ġdid tiegħi dwar il-karriera bikrija ta’ Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Main Content Niddiskutu partita ta’ ħames sigħat minn 1878 iddominat minn Henry Moses Dufur. Karl Stern tkellem dwar Dufur f’episodju riċenti ta’ Shut Up and Wrestle.

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