Episodio 55 – Browning apreta a Miyake

jim-browning-verona-loitador-de-missouri-e-campión do mundo

https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/5gwxgnrsz7i5byj8/Episode_5566kga.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, falo do 1924 partido entre Jim Browning e Taro Miyake. Actualizar O noso episodio do Memorial Day será o equipo completo. Este episodio e ese episodio uniranse cunha Artes Marciais Mixtas (MMA) cruzamento e como os esquemas de xogo afectaron á loita libre profesional e por que é unha preocupación

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Episodio 54 – Episodio de Frankenstein


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/xn66mjpb7vj56fpm/Episode_549cl3b.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | Descarga As dificultades técnicas levaron a que este podcast fose máis ben unha compilación. Discutimos unha estraña decisión da Comisión de Atletismo do Estado de Nova York en 1921. Actualización Na nosa actualización orixinal cubrimos a maioría das principais historias de loita libre desde que Dan entrou ao hospital. Desafortunadamente, ningún dos audios foi utilizable a partir deste

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Episodio 53 – Apoiadores vs. Promotores


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/yvvhhixd68359ike/Episode_536ggjr.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the backstage video from AEW at Wembley, talk about pro wrestling before the modern promotion system, and review Wrestlemania XL Day 2. Update We discuss AEW releasing the backstage footage of the scuffle between CM Punk and Jack Perry. Main Content I discuss how Tony Khan acts more like

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Episodio 52 – Rickard vs. Curley


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/teferh/Episode_527c08p.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the possible reasons for the falling out between Tex Rickard and Jack Curley. I also review the first night of Wrestlemania XL. Update I have released The Sherlock Holmes of Saint Louis: Saint Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond on Friday, Abril 5, 2024. It is available in ebook,

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Episodio 51 – Marin Plestina


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/zcckez/Episode_51a3a13.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the threat that Marin Plestina posed to the wrestling trust between 1917 e 1921. Update We should be back to the same prodcution schedule with Dan by the middle of April. I share why you should never group text. I also talk about how Vince McMahon never made long-term

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Episodio 50 – Wrestling and WWI


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/keuwiq/Episode_50baz45.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss how World War I affected American professional wrestling. We also reveal who said, “Repetition is the key when dealing with goofs.Update I am writing two books at once for the first time. The first book is my last planned St. Louis history book on St. Louis Chief of

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Episodio 49 – Pesek vs. Plestina


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/tv5pwz/Episode_49bc4u6.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this solo episode, I look at JohnThe Nebraska Tiger ManPesek settling two promotional wars in the 1920s. Update I take the rare step of complimenting Tony Khan twice in the same episode. Main Content In Lou Thesz’s autobiography Hooker (enlace de afiliado), Thesz shares Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis depiction of JohnThe Nebraska

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Episodio 48 – Legendary Stories


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ecq6xe/Episode_4871v8z.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss who is responsible for all the legends and stories around professional wrestling by looking at the Legend of Chief Two Feathers. Update We discuss some corrections to the episode on William Muldoon and Clarence Whistler. I also share my thoughts on WWE Elimination Chamber, since I was the only

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Episodio 47 – Londres vs. Carnera


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/4gvdnq/Episode_477tfz4.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the careers of Jim Londos and Primo Carnera leading into a review of the 1950 wrestling match. Update We start off with an update about our recording schedule. One of the team is on the injured reserve, so we will be recording on Skype for the next several episodes.

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Episodio 45 – It’s a Dirty Business


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/6qx7wc/Episode_457r6gp.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the Vince McMahon scandal, the dirty deeds of promoters in the past, and review the 2024 Royal Rumble. We end this long episode talking about wrestling on TV in St. Louis during the 1980s. Update We spend time discussing the WWE scandal involving Vince McMahon and John Laurenitius. Main

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