House of Fear (1945)


En marzo 16, 1945, Universal Pictures released The House of Fear (1945), the eighth of twelve Sherlock Holmes films (enlace de afiliado) produced by the studio. Basil Rathbone returned as Holmes for the tenth time. Rathbone played Sherlock Holmes twice for Twentieth Century – Fox before Universal started producing the series. Despite its late entry into the series, the film stands

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Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)

aínda gracias-lle-mr-moto

En xullo de 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Films released the final Mr. Movemento “B” film starring Peter Lorre as Inspector Kentaro Moto. Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation finds Mr. Moto que acompaña a Raíña da Coroa de Sabá desde seu descubrimento en un sitio arqueolóxico exipcio para un museo San Francisco,,en,Moto sospeita que o Metaxess criminal arco,,en,que as autoridades crían que era,,en. Mr. Moto suspects the arch criminal Metaxess, who authorities believed was dead, intends

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The Black Raven (1943)


Black Raven (1943) é un “B” película (enlace de afiliado) from Producers Releasing Corporation (PRC). George Zucco plays Amos Bradford aka the Raven, the owner of the Black Raven Inn. Bradford ends up hosting several unexpected guests, who are escaping a raging thunderstorm. The storm washed out all the bridges and stranded the visitors, which include a couple trying to elope,

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The Thirteenth Guest (1932)


The Thirteenth Guest (1932) is the film version of an Armitage Trail story. Monogram Pictures released the early “B” película (enlace de afiliado) starring Ginger Rogers and Lyle Talbot. Ginger Rogers was only 21 at the time but would go on to great stardom as Fred Astaire’s most regular dance partner. Lyle Talbot made a living through most of the late

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Shadows Over Chinatown (1946)


Cando Twentieth Century-Fox decidiu abandonar a serie Charlie Chan tras Castle in the Desert (1942), Sidney TOLER comprou os dereitos para a serie e levouna para Monogram Pictures. Despois de facer 11 películas Twentieth Century-Fox, TOLER faría 11 Películas Charlie Chan con Monogram Pictures. Shadows Over Chinatown (1946) was the ninth film that Toler made for Monogram

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Terror By Night (1946)


Universal Pictures released the thirteenth (enlace de afiliado) of fourteen Sherlock Holmes films starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes on February 1, 1946. Twentieth Century-Fox produced the first two films. Universal produced the final 12 películas. Terror By Night (1946) finds Holmes hired to protect the Star of Rhodesia diamond on a train bound for Scotland. Rodney Carstairs hires Holmes to

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Devolucións Topper (1941)


En marzo 21, 1941, United Artists released the third Topper film (enlace de afiliado), Devolucións Topper (1941). Roland Young plays Cosmo Topper, a middle aged businessman with the unique gift of seeing ghosts stuck in this world. This film is set in a large country home. The film begins with Gail Richards, played by Joan Blondell, and Ann Carrington, desempeñado pola

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