Sherlock Holmes en Washington (1943)

albahaca Rathbone

Sherlock Holmes en Washington (1943) is the third (enlace de afiliado) of twelve Universal Picture productions of the Sherlock Holmes franchise. Basil Rathbone y Nigel Bruce interpretó a Holmes y Watson, respectivamente, en dos películas de Twentieth-Century Fox y doce más para Universal Pictures. Esta película se sitúa de nuevo en la década de 1940. Holmes and Watson have traveled to Washington, D.C.. a

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Charlie Chan en la isla del tesoro (1939)


Charlie Chan en la isla del tesoro (1939) (enlace de afiliado) is the third Twentieth-Century Fox film starring Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan. Inspector Chan y Jimmy Chan, interpretado por Victor Sen Yung, están volando a la Exposición Mundial de San Francisco en 1939 como se abre la película. The bumpy ride is making Jimmy very nervous. Also on the flight is Charlie’s friend Paul

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El secreto de Charlie Chan (1936)


The series of the Charlie Chan films starring Warner Oland were probably the strongest films in the Charlie Chan series. Sidney Toler made several good films also but eventually the series would become low-budget “B” films produced by Monogram Pictures. El secreto de Charlie Chan (1936) (enlace de afiliado) was one of the earlier Twentieth-Century Fox films about Charlie Chan. The production values

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El Camel Negro (1931)


El Camel Negro (1931) is the oldest surviving Charlie Chan film (enlace de afiliado) starring Warner Oland. Fue la segunda película de la serie de Fox Films. La primera, tercera, películas cuarto y quinto se pierden a pesar de una versión en español de Charlie Chan Carries On (Eran Trece, 1931) sí existe. The Black Camel was released on June 21, 1931.

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Eran Trece (1931)


Eran Trece (1931) is the Spanish language version of Charlie Chan Carries On. Charlie Chan Carries On has not survived or at least has not been found yet, so this film (affliliate link) gives us our only look at the lost film. While it was based on the same story, the film had a completely different cast. Charlie Chan does

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