Mysterious Mr. Lëvizje (1938)


Në tetor 14, 1938, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation released the fifth of eight Mr. Moto Films starring Peter Lorre as Interpol Policeman Kentaro Moto. In Mysterious Mr. Lëvizje (1938), Mr. Moto infiltrates a prison and helps a prisoner escape to discover the plans of his criminal organization. Mr. Moto breaks international criminal Paul Brissac, played by Leon Ames, out of

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The Shadow Returns (1946)

ende i vështirë për t'u trajtuar

In the first of the three Shadow films from Monogram Pictures starring Kane Richomond, a number of citizens have fallen from windows to their death. Two of the men seemingly commit suicide in front of Lamont Cranston, the Shadow, and Inspector Cordonna played by Joseph Crehan. Crehan was a character actor who often played policeman in films such as The

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Sherlock Holmes në Uashington (1943)

Basil Rathbone-

Sherlock Holmes në Uashington (1943) është i treti i dymbëdhjetë prodhimeve Universale e fotove të ekskluzivitet Sherlock Holmes. Basil Rathbone dhe Nigel Bruce luajti si Holmes dhe Watson respektivisht në dy filma për Twentieth Century Fox-dhe dymbëdhjetë më shumë për Universal Pictures. Ky film është vendosur sërish në vitet 1940. Holmes and Watson have traveled to Washington, D.C. to keep secret

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Ju faleminderit, Mr. Lëvizje (1937)


Në prag të Krishtlindjeve, 1937, dytë Mr. Movie Moto, Ju faleminderit, Mr. Lëvizje (1937) ndezur Peter Lorre, debutuar. Ndërkombëtare Agent Mr. Moto përpiqet për të mbrojtur thesaret kineze kulturore nga kriminelët ndërkombëtarë. Shtatë Scrolls do të zbulojë strehën për varrin e Genghis Khan. Luftëtarë Genghis Khan thuhet varrosur thesar i madh me udhëheqësin e tyre të vdekur. Mr. Miku i Motos, Princi

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The Pearl of Death (1944)


Sherlock Holmes në Perla e vdekjes (1944) është i nëntë i katërmbëdhjetë filma në seri starring Basil Rathbone si Sherlock Holmes. Në këtë film, Holmes is battling archcriminal Giles Conover, luajtur nga Miles MANDER. Conover is attempting to steal a valuable pearl from the British Museum. He is aided in his crimes by accomplices Naomi Drake and The

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Secret Charlie Chan (1936)


The series of the Charlie Chan films starring Warner Oland were probably the strongest films in the Charlie Chan series. Sidney Toler made several good films also but eventually the series would become low-budget “B” films produced by Monogram Pictures. Secret Charlie Chan (1936) was one of the earlier Twentieth-Century Fox films about Charlie Chan. The production values are better

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Who Is the Scarlet Claw?

Basil Rathbone-

A number of the old Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes movies have recently become available on DVDs and streaming. The Universal series, is well done for a “B” film series. This film would have warmed the audience up for the main feature like Double Indemnity (1944). In the The Scarlet Claw (1944), Sherlock Holmes, played by Rathbone, is in Quebec,

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