Heenan Loses to King in Last Bout


John Camel Heenan was known to 19th Century bare knuckle prizefighting fans as “the Benicia Boy”. Despite an 0-1-1 record as a professional fighter, Heenan claimed the World Prizefighting Championship based on a draw with Tom Sayer in an 1860 English prize-fight. Heenan’s first professional fight had been with the reigning World Heavyweight Prizefighting Champion John Morrissey’s last professional fight

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Том Hyer ритми Јенки Саливан


Том Hyer освои американскиот голи зглоб Prizefighting првенство во 1841. Како и повеќето prizefighting шампиони на деветнаесеттиот век, тој не се борат, многу често. Hyer вообичаено се плаќа сметките како спроведувач на политичките партии во Њујорк. Првично, Hyer employed his talents for the Whigs but would switch allegiances to the “Не знае ништо партија” со неговиот пријател Вилијам

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Морисеј против. Саливан: Fight, Then Feud


Октомври 12, 1853, 23 year-old John Morrissey would meet 40 year-old “Yankee” Sullivan for the American and possibly World Heavyweight Prizefighting Championship. Sullivan had been considered the champion since Tom Hyer, who had beaten Sullivan previously, retired instead of fighting Sullivan in a rematch. Sullivan claimed the title and was backed by Hyer, who had made peace with Sullivan.

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Tammany силеџии Убиство Бил месарот


In July 1854, the World Bareknuckle Prizefighting Champion John Morrissey, who also severed as Tammany Hall enforcer, challenged William “Бил месарот” Poole to a no holds barred street fight. The result was a terrible beating and several month recovery for John Morrissey. Morrissey would have likely won a bareknuckle prizefight with Poole, a part-time prizefighter himself. Morrissey made a

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Thug Beats World Champ in Street Brawl


On July 26, 1854, the bare knuckle champion John Morrissey met occasional bare knuckle fighter William Poole in a no rules street brawl. What followed would be the worst five minutes of John Morrissey’s life. Октомври 23, 1853, the 22-year-old Morrissey beat Yankee Sullivan for the world bare knuckle championship in a disputed decision. Sullivan actually knocked Morrissey out

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