Lewis and Roeber Unify Title


When William Muldoon retired from professional wrestling in 1889, he intended for his protege, Ernst Roeber, to become the new World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Since Muldoon always defended his championship in the Greco-Roman wrestling style, his choice made sense. Roeber was arguably the best Greco-Roman wrestler in America at the time. Tačiau, the wrestling fans and journalist, covering the sport,

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Wild Bill Longson Regains Title


WillardWild BillLongson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 8, 1906 but spent most of his adult life in St. Louis, Misūris. After beginning his career as a professional wrestler in 1931, Longson found himself working for Tom Packs in St. Louis. He never really left as it would be his home base for the remainder

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“Ūkininkas” Burns Holds Off Charles Green


In a recent post, I wrote about Charles Green’s unsuccessful attempt to defeat Evan “Strangler” Lewis in 1889. Metų, Green had greater success with another American wrestling legend, Kregždė “Ūkininkas” Nudegimai. The soon-to-be 29-year-old Burns was an excellent wrestler but wasn’t yet on the level of Evan Lewis. Tačiau, he would have to be in the top 10

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Lewis and Stecher Shoot One Last Time

Lewisas ir Stecheris

The Gold Dust Trio’s dominance of professional wrestling in the early to mid-1920s bred lots of resentment with other wrestlers and promoters. This professional jealousy led to a famous double-cross in 1925. From this time on, the world title was disputed as Joe Stecher held one version, while Ed “Strangler” Lewis held the other version. Due to the real resentment

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Zbyszko prieš Plestiną?


The following excerpt is from my new book Double Crossing the Gold Dust Trio, which will be out this summer. During the summer (of 1921), the Zbyszko brothers received word that their mother was gravely ill. Making quick preparation, they let Curley and the other promoters know they would be leaving as soon as they could arrange passage on a

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Charlesas Greenas ruošiasi Evanui Lewisui


Charles Green, a skilled English catch-as-catch-can wrestler, devintojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje išvyko į Jungtines Valstijas imtyniauti su geriausiais Amerikos imtynininkais. Greenas savo galimybę gavo liepos mėnesį 21, 1889, kai jis kovojo su Amerikos sunkiasvorių „pagauk kaip pagauk“ čempionu Evanu Lewisu. Pasiruošti šioms rungtynėms, Birželio pabaigoje Greenas kovojo su negalia su imtynininku Bertu Schelleriu. Schelleris gimė

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Dvigubas kryžius dingo neteisingai


Nesvarbu, ar tai buvo dvigubas kryžius, ar bandymas surengti teisėtą konkursą, Paulo Bowserio bandymas užtikrinti rungtynes ​​tarp Joe Stecherio ir Joe Malcewicziaus vos nesukėlė riaušės kovo mėnesį 11, 1926. Praėjusių metų įvykiai iš tikrųjų paskatino šį žlugimą. Nuo pabaigos 1922, „Gold Dust“ trio iš Ed “Strangler” Lewis, jo

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Jenkins’ ir „Beell's Closed Door Match“


Tom Jenkins had the distinction of being the only wrestler to defeat Frank Gotch multiple times. Jenkins and Gotch traded the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship between 1902 ir 1906. At the time of this match, Jenkins was the champion again. Fred Beell had been campaigning for a match with Jenkins for the past several months. Beell finally convinced Jenkins to

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Mažasis demonas kovoja su Tomu Cannonu


On Joe Acton’s 33rd birthday, Kovas 8, 1885, he wrestled fellow countryman Tom Cannon in a 2-out-of-3-falls match at Sportsman Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. Acton and Cannon had a long history together. Both men were born in England in early 1952. Cannon was born a month later than Acton on April 19, 1852. Both men started wrestling in the

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Kadda ir W. Zbyszko imtynės piešti


Dešimtojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje ir XX amžiaus 20-ųjų pradžioje Earl Caddock turėjo palyginti trumpą, bet sudėtingą profesionalaus imtynių karjerą.. Profesionaliai debiutavo 1915 iškovojęs tris AAU nacionalinius titulus mėgėjų imtynių varžybose, Caddock profesionaliai imtyniavosi tik iki 1922. Tačiau, balandžio mėnesį įveikęs Joe Stecherį, jis būtų pripažintas pasaulio čempionu 1917. Caddockas netektų titulo atgal

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