Робер разоблачает бизнес


Когда чемпион мира по борьбе в тяжелом весе Уильям Малдун ушел в отставку 1889, он надеялся, что его протеже Эрнест Ребер будет признан новым чемпионом.. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", Малдун завоевал титул по греко-римской борьбе., в чем заключался опыт Робера, уроженца Германии. К сожалению, подвиги Мартина “Фермер” Бернс и Эван “Душитель” Льюис превратил борьбу «поймай как поймай» в доминирующий стиль.. У Робера действительно был

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Hack Accuses Americans of Faking


When “Русский Лев” George Hackenschmidt toured America in 1905, he left the country unimpressed by the state of American wrestling. The current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, известен как “Hack” to much of the wrestling public, toured several cities in an attempt to arrange a match with American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. Hackenschmidt won the world title in Greco-Roman

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Fred Beell Unimpressive in 1903


Fred Beell developed a reputation in the early 20th Century as a powerful and dangerous wrestler. His reputation was not built by his 1903 campaign. Beell suffered as many high-profile defeats as victories. Beell started well in April 1903, when he defeated St. Paul AAU Wrestling Champion James McAuley. McAuley won the first fall in 22 минут. Белл выиграл

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“Маленький Демон” Не смог переиграть Уистлер


Джо Эктон был одним из лучших борцов Англии XIX века.. 151-фунт Эктон прошел среднем рядах Англии перед вспашкой через тяжеловесов. После избиения лучший Англия должна была предложить в том числе Том Кэннон, Эктон решил проверить свои способности в Соединенных Штатах. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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Улица. Louis Wrestler Surprises Gotch

Оскар Вассем

Frank Gotch holds the title of America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler. Gotch competed in mostly legitimate contests with a few pre-arranged or “worked” matches thrown in the mix. По 1904 или 1905, no one could really beat Gotch unless he allowed it. In the early years of his career, Gotch was not so dominant. He dropped matches to his mentor,

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Лондос побеждает Колова

Джон-Контос-карта в 1923 году

Jim Londos rose through the ranks of professional wrestling to become the biggest box office star of not only the 1930s but of all-time. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", if Londos had not come to St. Louis in the early 1920s, the story could have been quite different. Londos learned catch-as-catch-can wrestling while Londos performed as a strong man in the carnival circuit during

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Fred Beell Overcomes Old Champ

Фред-Белл-полутяжелый вес

Октября 20, 1906, Fred Beell proved dynamite comes in small packages. Beell, light heavyweight wrestling champion, defeated former American heavyweight champion Dan McLeod. Beell parlayed an active 1906 into defeats of former American Heavyweight Champion Dan McLeod and current American Heavyweight Champion Frank Gotch. Beell won the American Middleweight (Light Heavyweight) Championship but remained out of the spotlight until

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Americus Beats Charley Olson


Ноября 7, 1908, Charles Olson met “Americus” Gus Schonlein for the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. The match proved to be as exciting as observers suspected it would be but it ended in controversy. Olson stood 6’01” but weighed only 170 фунты. Born Max Flaskamp in Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia in 1879, he took the name Charles or Charley Olson

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Gotch Easily Beats Raicevich


Giovanni Raicevich stood only 5’07” tall but weighed a muscular 220 фунты. Raicevich carried pro bodybuilder type muscle 50 years before the steroid era. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", when it came to wrestling, Raicevich’s skill set was not quite as developed as his physique. Raicevich was one of many foreign wrestlers, который отправился в Америку, чтобы сразиться с Фрэнком Готчем после того, как тот победил

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Christmas Night Wrestling Fiasco


On Christmas Night 1911, Stanislaus Zbyszko met Giovanni Raicievich in a much-anticipated heavyweight wrestling bout. Zbyszko, who was campaigning for a rematch with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch, agreed to throw Raicevich 3 times in 90 minutes or be declared the loser. As the men entered the famed Madison Square Garden in New York City, Zbyszko was clearly the

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