Gotch Wrestles Handicap Match

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On Thursday, Април 29, 1909, Frank Gotch traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to wrestle highly regarded light heavyweight wrestler Charles Hackenschmidt. Hackenschmidt won the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship under his real name, John Berg. Although fans thought well of Berg, they did not see him as a threat to defeat Frank Gotch in a straight match. To increase fan interest

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Stecher Busts a Trust Buster


Joe Stecher wrestled during a transitional time in American professional wrestling. Prior to 1900, wrestlers engaged primarily in legitimate contests although wrestlers did work matches occasionally. After 1915, all wrestlers worked their matches. Wrestlers wrestled legitimate contests only to settle promotional dispute or to pull off a double-cross. Од 1900 да се 1915, wrestlers engaged in a mixture of worked matches

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Englishmen Wrestle for American Title


Во август 7, 1882, American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Edwin Bibby defended his title against English Champion Joe Acton at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The men wrestled a “catch-as-catch-can” match for the world championship. Сепак, the public did not recognize the winner of the bout as the world champion. The public recognized the winner as the American Heavyweight

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Frank Gotch Marries


(This post is an excerpt from my new book, Gotch vs. Zbyszko: The Quest for Redemption, published on February 2, 2022.) The most important event affecting the future of Frank Gotch’s career occurred on January 11, 1911. Gotch married the former Gladys Oestrich at her parent’s home in Humboldt, Ајова. Г-ѓа. Gotch preferred that Frank retire from the ring which

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John Lemm Gets a Second Chance


Од јануари 2, 1911, Swiss wrestler John Lemm found himself the laughingstock of professional wrestling fans and reporters. The incident occurred when Lemm wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko in Buffalo, New York. Fans considered Zbyszko the top contender for Frank Gotch’s world title. Zbyszko was a world class wrestler although more skilled in Greco-Roman wrestling than catch wrestling. Lemm was a skilled

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The Original Trust Buster


During the early 1920s, Tex Rickard declared war on his former boxing promotional partner, Џек Керли. Curley promoted professional wrestling in New York City. He also organized promoters in large cities such as Boston and St. Louis into a wrestling trust. The trust controlled the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. The trust froze out any wrestler, who refused to go along

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Farmer Burns Discovers Frank Gotch


Во 1897, Dan McLeod beat Martin “Farmer” Burns for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. After the defeat, Burns wrestled part-time as he transitioned into his primary role of wrestling trainer. Over the next 30 години, Burns trained most of the legitimate catch wrestlers in the United States. Burns began touring in 1899, where he would both wrestle an opponent in

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Станислав Збишко го загуби натпреварот


Овонеделниот пост е некаква исповед. Години, Напишав дека Френк Готч беше единствениот борач кој го победи Станислав Збишко за време на неговата почетна турнеја низ Америка помеѓу 1909 и 1914. Неодамна прочитав Борење во градината, Волумен 1: 1875 да се 1939; Битката за Њујорк - работи, Пука и двојни крстови (Филијалата линк) од страна на

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Најстариот филм за борење што постои


Џо Стечер го фаќа светското првенство во борење од Ерл Кадок е најстариот професионален филм за борење што постои. Трагично, промотерите ги снимија најголемите натпревари од 1910-тите и 1920-тите, вклучувајќи го и вториот натпревар Френк Гоч-Георг Хакеншмит, но тие скапуваа во складиштата. Операторите на камерата го снимија Ед „Давил“ Луис против. Вејн „Големиот“ Ман, Штечер vs. Stanislaus Zbyszko, и натпреварот за повторно обединување

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Џо Стечер го положи тестот


Една од легендарните приказни за Џо Стечер се однесува на легитимен натпревар што тој го имал со еден од Мартин “Земјоделец” Ги запали борачите, кога Штечер едвај завршил средно училиште. Брнс слушнал за растечката репутација на Стечер и решил да го тестира со еден од неговите борачи. Години, Мислев дека Штечер го победи Јусиф Махмут, но тој всушност се бореше со Јусиф Хусане. На

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