Bibby Beats Ross


Edwin Bibby and Duncan C. Ross established the first recognized professional wrestling championship in the United States on January 19, 1881. The men wrestled catch-as-catch-can style for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. William Muldoon was the World Heavyweight Champion based on his defeat of Thiebaud Bauer in 1880. Andre Christol brought the World Title to the United States in the

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Lewis and Stecher Work a Draw


In his book Hooker, Lou Thesz wrote about the rivalry between two of his favorite wrestlers, Joe Stecher and Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Stecher and Lewis would emerge as the two best legitimate professional wrestler of the 1910s. Either man could beat every other wrestler at the time in a legitimate contest or “shoot”. The men wrestled three long, boring contests

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Dusek Double-Crosses Mondt


Prior to the creation of the territorial system in 1948, pro wrestling promoters fought with each other to control the world championship. Promoting the world champion led to bigger gates, so most promoters wanted to control the championship. In the 1930s, promoters would enter into agreements with each other but they were often fleeting. When one promoter got offended, thought

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“Farmer” Burns Puts in a Full Night


I 1899, Martin “Farmer” Burns was transitioning into the role of part-time wrestler and full-time trainer. One of his most famous pupils would be Frank Gotch, who Burns defeated a week after this match. Burns was 38 years-old and had lost his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship two years earlier. Burns blended both roles on a very busy December night in

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Topp ti legitime profesjonelle brytere


Hvem er den største legitime profesjonelle bryteren til å bryte i USA? How do you determine it when wrestlers “worked” or cooperated with each other in matches since the sports emergence in the 1860s? . I examined the records and stories around the American, British, Polish, and Turkish wrestlers, who wrestled in the United States between 1870 and 1915

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Pat O’Shocker Refuses Double-Cross


William Hayes Shaw, who wrestled as Pat O’Shocker through most of his wrestling career, found himself in the spotlight in 1933. O’Shocker wasn’t looking for this sort of fame though. Newspapers were carrying a story about how wrestling promoters tried to use O’Shocker in a planned double-cross. Joseph “Toots” Mondt booked wrestlers out of New York and was aligned with

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Jim Browning-kampanjer i Tennessee


I 1933, about 10 år inn i sin brytekarriere, Jim Browning ville vinne verdenstittelen. Starter sin karriere i Kansas og hjemstaten Missouri, Browning måtte forlate disse kjente grunnene, hvis han hadde til hensikt å nå den høyeste toppen i profesjonell bryting. Fordi verdensmestere måtte turnere nasjonalt, og ofte internasjonalt, verdenstittelen ble

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Jim Londos setter sitt preg


In the early 1920s, Christos Theofilou begynte å bryte som Jim Londos etter flere år som gimmicky “Wrestling Gipser”. Londos skjønte sannsynligvis ikke at navneendringen ville være det første skrittet til at han ble den største billettkontorattraksjonen i profesjonell bryting på 1930-tallet. Det andre trinnet var hans fremvekst som en hovedbegivenhetsbryter i St. Louis. Født i

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Eustace Wrestles The Champ


Juli 4, 1922, Alan Eustace mottok skuddet sitt i World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Eustace, Kansas-mesteren, vunnet en kvalifiseringskamp med “Farmer” Bailey i mars 1922 for å kvalifisere seg til kampen med Lewis. 31-år gamle Eustace var på samme alder som “Strangler” Lewis, men Lewis var langt mer erfaren. Debuterer kl 14 år,

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