Domāju, ka ātri, Mr. Kustība (1937)


The first Mr. Moto film starring Peter Lorre as Japanese jujitsu expert Kentaro Moto sees Mr. Moto tracking down a smuggling ring leader. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation released Think Fast, Mr. Kustība (1937) jūlijā 27, 1937. Peter Lorre would play Mr. Moto seven more times for Twentieth Century – Fox. Mr. Moto pārģērbjas par tirgoni un

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Mysterious Mr. Kustība (1938)


Oktobrī 14, 1938, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation released the fifth of eight Mr. Moto Films starring Peter Lorre as Interpol Policeman Kentaro Moto. In Mysterious Mr. Kustība (1938), Mr. Moto infiltrates a prison and helps a prisoner escape to discover the plans of his criminal organization. Mr. Moto breaks international criminal Paul Brissac, played by Leon Ames, out of

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Paldies, Mr. Kustība (1937)


Ziemassvētku vakars, 1937, otrais kungs. Moto filma, Paldies, Mr. Kustība (1937) skatās Pīters Lorre, debitēja. Starptautiskais Agent kungs. Moto cenšas aizsargāt Ķīnas kultūras bagātības no starptautiskajiem noziedzniekiem. Septiņi Scrolls atklās slēptuve par kaps Čingishana. Čingishana kareivji aprakti ziņots lielu dārgumu ar savu mirušo līderi. Mr. Moto’s friend Prince

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Mr. Moto in Danger Island (1939)


Aprīlī 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox released the seventh of eight Mr. Kustība “B” kino. Mr. Moto in Danger Island begins with Mr. Moto on a ship headed to Puerto Rico. Mr. Kustība, played by Peter Lorre, and several passengers are watching a wrestling match. Twister McGurk, played by Warren Hymer, is wrestling Sailor Sam, played by Ward Bond. Mr. Kustība

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Mr. Moto’s Last Warning (1939)


In the sixth of eight Mr. Moto films released between 1937 and 1939, Interpol police officer Kentaro Moto pursues a group of international saboteurs. Twentieth Century – Fox Film Corporation released Mr. Moto’s Last Warning (1939) (filiāli saite) on January 20, 1939. Peter Lorre returns as the cerebral but deadly Mr. Kustība. Ricardo Cortez plays Fabian the Great, a ventriloquist,

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Kā es atklāju džiudžitss

zimmerman-akadēmijas logotips

Kad es biju bērns aug St. Louis, tikai cīņas māksla, kas man bija dzirdējuši par bija Karate. Teikvando tika uzskatīts korejiešu Karate. Es nezināju par kādu no cīnās mākslu šajā brīdī. Tomēr, KPLR Channel 11 ran a series of films on Saturdays for a month featuring Mr. Kustība, played by Peter Lorre.

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