Eduard Mosblech (1884 – 1956)


Eduard Mosblech is my maternal great-grandfather. Eduard was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 24, 1884, to German immigrants Gustave Mosblech and Bertha Mosblech nee Monse. Askotan Edward bezala idatzia, baina laguntza eta ward gisa ahoskatzen dira, Eduard was as unique as his name. Asko kostatu zitzaidan berari buruz idaztea berari buruz entzun nituen istorioengatik

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Hattie May Story (1896 – 1917)


My great grandmother Lydia Margaret “Dollie” Story Zimmerman’s youngest sister Hattie May Story was born on August 20, 1896. Hattie was Dollie’s half-sister as she was the daughter of George Washington Story and his second wife Margaret Sweat. Dollie’s mother was George Story’s first wife Malinda Davis. Hattieren ama Margaret edo Hattie erditzean hil zen edo hil zen

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Frank Moellenberg (1891 – 1941)


My stepfather, Ernest C. Diaz, hazi ninduen, so I included his family in my genealogical research. Hala ere, Dad’s father, Joseph Diaz, Mexikotik emigratu zuen eta bere ama Marie Moellenberg alemaniar etorkinengandik jaiotako lehen belaunaldiko estatubatuarra izan zen. Finding information on his family has not been easy. Badakigu Joseren aita Ulalio Diaz zela eta amaren jaiotza izena zela

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George Washington Story (1843 – 1903)


My second great-grandfather George Washington Story was born in August 1843 to Gilford Dudley Story and his second wife Nancy Jane Story nee Womack. George was born in Shawneetown, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. He was the fourth of Dudley’s and Nancy’s nine children. George Washington Story married his first wife and my second great-grandmother Malinda Davis on November 26, 1863,

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Amanda Isabelle “Mandy” Istorioa


Many Zimmermans always believed my great-grandfather Parker L. Zimmerman was married five times. Hala ere, Parker was married three times to Victoria Harris, Mellie Bollinger and Lydia Margaret “Dollie” Istorioa. It was actually Parker’ sister-in-law Amanda Isabelle “Mandy” Istorioa, who was married five times. Mandy was born in Illinois on July 16, 1877 George Washington Story eta Malinda Davis-i nahiz eta

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