Appointment with Danger (1950)


I’m continuing with watching some old Alan Ladd movies that I first saw thirty years ago on American Movie Classics (AMC), when they showed classic movies. I recently watched Appointment with Danger (1950), which was as entertaining as I remembered it. Kinostudija Paramount Pictures publicēja programmu Appointment with Danger (filiāli saite) Londonā 1950 bet neizlaida to Apvienotajā Karalistē

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Sherlock Holmes’ Greatest lieta (1932)

Wontner-Sherlock, Holmes

Otrajā pārdzīvojušajā Šerloka Holmsa filmā (filiāli saite) starring Arthur Wontner kā Sherlock Holmes, divi noziedznieki ir aizbēguši cietumā. Viņi vēlas, lai precīzi atriebties par vīriešiem, kurš dubultā šķērsoja viens no noziedzniekiem, Jonathan Smalls. Smalls pastāstīja divus uzraugi viņa cietumā, kur liela laime bija paslēptas. The wardens find the treasure, ir a

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Bat (1926)

sikspārņa reklāma

Roland V. West nopirka tiesības un režisors The Bat (1926), viens no pirmajiem “vecā dark house” noslēpumi Savienoto mākslinieks 1926. Arthur Edeson bija Operators gan šo filmu un The Old Dark House (1932), kam ir līdzīgi ekspresionists elementus. Abas filmas ir noteikti lielās savrupmājas, which have seen better days. The key to the

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Sergeant York (1941)


Septembrī 27, 1941, Warner Brothers Film Corporation released Sergeant York (1941). The film (filiāli saite) tells the story of Sergeant Alvin C. York, a reluctant World War I hero from the small town of Pall Mall, Tennessee. Western film veteran Gary Cooper stars as Sergeant York. The film begins with the contrast of a Sunday church service and the

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