The Mad Doctor Meets the Somnambulist


Dak li jiġri huwa l-ewwel film arti suċċess kummerċjalment (link affiljat). Il-Kabinett ta 'Dr. Caligari (1920) kien rilaxxat f'Jannar 1920 issir sensazzjoni Ġermaniż u internazzjonali. It marked the beginning of a German film revival during the 1920s The German Expressionist Movement in German art strongly influenced this film. Expressionist paintings were known for buildings sloped at

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Il-Pimpernel Scarlet


While it may not be on classic film lists, I love The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934) (link affiljat). It is an adaptation of the novel (link affiljat) bl-istess isem, miktuba minn Baroness Orczy. The film concerns an English gentleman, who risks his life to save French aristocrats from the guillotine. Sir Percy Blakeney married Marguerite, a French woman with

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