McLaughlin Jirbaħ Tournament


Dwar Marzu 10, 1870, Il-Kurunell James Hiram McLaughlin kkompeta fl-aħħar lejl tal-International Wrestling Tournament f’Detroit, Michigan. It-tournament dam għal kważi xahrejn qabel il-finali fl-10 ta’ Marzu. L-istoriċi tal-lotta spiss jikkreditaw lil J. H. McLaughlin bħala l-ewwel wrestler professjonali li għex biss fuq il-qligħ tiegħu bħala wrestler professjonali. Ħafna wrestlers professjonali

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Edwin Bibby jisfida l-qawl il-qadim


Wieħed mill-eqdem qawl fl-isport tal-ġlieda kontra huwa “raġel kbir tajjeb dejjem jegħleb raġel żgħir tajjeb”. Hija r-raġuni li għandna diviżjonijiet tal-piż fil-boxing, lotta u arti marzjali mħallta. Nhar it-Tlieta, Novembru 2, 1881, 160-lira Edwin Bibby wera li hemm eċċezzjonijiet għal din ir-regola. Filwaqt li żgħar, Edwin Bibby kien partikolarment b'saħħtu għad-daqs tiegħu.

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Ross Faces Bauer


Scottish wrestler Duncan C. Ross wrestled professionally but also took part in strength and athletic contests after arriving in the United States in the late 1870s. An all-around athlete, Ross wrestled skillfully in both catch-as-catch-can wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling. Nhar it-Tnejn, Frar 26, 1883, Ross wrestled former World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Theobaud Bauer. Bauer brought the World Championship from France

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Acton Jiġġieled il-Greko-Rumani


Nhar it-Tnejn, Marzu 26, 1888, Joe Acton, li speċjalizzati fil-catch wrestling, ġġieled lill-Professur William Miller, wrestler Awstraljan, u bare-knuckle prizefighter, f’partita ta’ lotta Greko-Rumana b’żewġ waqgħat minn tlieta. Iż-żewġ kampijiet tal-irġiel jemmnu li l-lotta tal-logħba f'dan l-istil żgura l-aktar kompetizzjoni ġusta bejniethom. L-irġiel iġġieldu għal $500.00 naħa. 1,500 fans, folla kbira għall-era, imdawwar

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1883 Buffalo New York Tournament


Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Ġunju 29, 1883, fourteen wrestlers paid $50 to enter a two-day tournament for a $500 championship belt and $500 prize. Richard K. Fox, owner and publisher of the Police Gazette, put up the prize money and belt. Fox avidly supported the promotion of both professional boxing and professional wrestling. While fourteen men attempted to enter the tournament, Fox

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L-Aqwa Għaxar Wrestlers Leġittimi Pro


Min hu l-akbar wrestler professjonali leġittimu li jiġġieled fl-Istati Uniti? How do you determine it when wrestlers “worked” or cooperated with each other in matches since the sports emergence in the 1860s? . I examined the records and stories around the American, British, Polish, and Turkish wrestlers, who wrestled in the United States between 1870 u 1915

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McLaughlin Wrestles Bauer


James Hiram McLaughlin holds the distinction of being the first American professional wrestler. While people wrestled professionally before McLaughlin, he was the first to earn a professional living from wrestling. McLaughlin began wrestling professionally in 1860 fuq 16 years of age but the Civil War interrupted his career for a few years. McLaughlin began wrestling again in 1866. Billi 1877,

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Mooney Wrestles Luttbeg


Nhar is-Sibt, December 2nd, 1893, local Saint Louis boxing instructor and Greco-Roman wrestler Mike Mooney met Max Luttbeg at Saint LouisEntertainment Hall. Pre-match hype focused on Mooney never losing a wrestling match or a boxing bout. Mooney was considered a better Greco-Roman wrestler, while Luttbeg was a better catch-as-catch-can wrestler. In the 19th century, it was common for matches

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Lewis u Roeber Unify Title


Meta William Muldoon irtira mil-lotta professjonali fi 1889, hu maħsub għall-proteġġ tiegħu, Ernst Roeber, biex issir iċ-Champion il-ġdid tal-World Heavyweight Wrestling. Peress Muldoon dejjem iddefenda l-kampjonat tiegħu fl-istil tal-lotta Greko-Rumana, l-għażla tiegħu kienet tagħmel sens. Roeber kien bla dubju l-aqwa wrestler Greko-Ruman fl-Amerika dak iż-żmien. Madankollu, il-partitarji tal-lotta u l-ġurnalist, li jkopri l-isport,

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Ernst Roeber Claims Vacant Title


When William Muldoon retired as the World Heavyweight Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion in 1889, there was no ready successor to the championship. Evan “Strangler” Lewis was the best wrestler in the United States not named William Muldoon but his specialty was catch-as-catch-can wrestling. The best American Greco-Roman wrestler, Clarence Whistler, had died in Australia during 1885. Muldoon’s handpicked successor was German-born

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