Lurich Throws Losson


Georg Lurich made his reputation as a professional wrestler competing in European Greco-Roman wrestling tournaments. When Lurich travelled to the United States to ply his trade, he made the transition to catch-as-catch-can wrestling, the dominant style outside of Europe. Lurich adapted well to this style and earned a shot at the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, Frankas Gotch, Gotcho paskutiniame

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Belgijos Bloodies Vokietijos imtynininkas nosis

Aleksas Abergas

Gegužės 21, 1915, Tarptautinė imtynių turnyras prasidėjo Niujorke. Samuelis Rachman skatino įvykį kaip būdas pademonstruoti Europos graikų-romėnų imtynių čempionas Alek Aberg. Rachman tikėjo Aberg buvo natūralus įpėdinis Pasaulio Imtynės čempionas Frankas Gotch, kas išėjo į pensiją 1913. Pirmą dieną turnyro, nationalistic feelings about World War I popped up

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Terrible Turk’s Horrible Foul of Roeber


Ernest Roeber was an accomplished Greco-Roman wrestler. William Muldoonas, the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion from 1880 į 1889, wanted Roeber to take over from him as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Tačiau, the world title would continue to be disputed until George Hackenschmidt won several Greco-Roman Tournaments in Europe during 1901. Yusuf Ismail, Siaubingi Turk, buvo laikomas vienu iš

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Zbyszko Knocks Out Greek Wrestler


Birželio 2, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament in New York City entered its second week of competition. Some of the tournaments big names were wrestling on this night. Alex Aberg, George Lurich and Wladek Zbyszko would all compete. It was Zbyszko who made the biggest impression. The first match involved two lesser talents, Pierre Le Colosse and Wilhelm Berner.

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Zbyszko Beats Aberg for Title


Vasario 26. 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko beat Alex Aberg for the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in Boston, Massachusetts. Zbyszko came to the United States in 1909 to campaign for Frank Gotch’s World Catch-as-Catch Can Championship. Wrestling insiders considered Gotch’s title the World Championship. Zbyszko could not beat Gotch in 1910. Before they had a rematch, Frank Gotch retired in

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Aberg Beats Other Zbyszko for Title


Spalio 25, 1915, Aleksandras “Alex” Aberg won the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Wladek Zbyszko, the brother of Aberg’s former foe. Į 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko defeated Aberg for the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Stanislaus Zbyszko returned to Europe. It is doubtful Wladek Zbyszko could make a claim to his brother’s championship. Promoter Sam Rachmann probably created this

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Muldoon Meets Bibby


Koviniame sporte, geras didelis vyras paprastai įveikia gerą mažą žmogų. Jei esate puikus, dažnai galite kompensuoti didžiulius dydžio neatitikimus. Edwinas Bibby liko tik 5’04” and weighed 160 svarų, bet per savo profesionalaus imtynių karjerą nugalėjo daug didesnių imtynininkų. Bibby nugalėjo daugybę imtynininkų, įskaitant gigantišką vokiečių imtynininką Williamą Heygsterį. Edwinas Bibby sugebėjo

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Muldoon Survives Hard Tilt With Whistler

švilpikas ir muldūnas

The powerful William Muldoon was considered invincible as Greco-Roman World Wrestling Champion. Tik vienas vyras rimtai metė iššūkį Muldoonui jo dominuojančio valdymo metu. 165 svarus sveriantis Clarence'as Whistleris nuolat skirdavo Muldoonui sunkiausius iššūkius. Muldoon and Whistler met on Thursday, Lapkritis 1, 1883 in San Francisco, Kalifornijoje vienoje iš kelių rungtynių. William Muldoon was almost a head taller and weighed

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“Little Demon” Unable to Beat Whistler


Joe Actonas buvo vienas geriausių Anglijos imtynininkų XIX amžiuje. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. He finally secured

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