George Baptiste Dies


אויף דעצעמבער 1, 1938 בייַ 5:15 PM, former professional wrestler and all-around athlete George Baptiste passed away at 74 יאָרן פון עלטער. While enjoying robust strength his whole life, Baptiste’s doctor discovered he had stomach cancer in June 1938. The doctor operated on Baptiste but was unable to remove all the cancer. Baptiste had been living at his country home

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מאָרד בייַ 2912 Washington


Buildings are just piles of boards and bricks without the stories that are attached to them. During November 1912, סט. Louis Police Officer Arthur Huddleston was killed by paroled murderer Albert Whitefield. Whitefield had surprised his common-law wife, who was entertaining another gentleman caller. Whitefield attempted to kill her before two St. Louis Police Officers responded to her cries for

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George Baptiste’s Heartbreak


During February 1901, סט. Louis professional wrestler and local businessman George Baptiste reluctantly filed for divorce from his wife, Nellie May Baptiste, alleging desertion. It was actually the second time, Baptiste filed for divorce from Mrs. Baptiste. During the summer of 1896, Baptiste was vacationing in Millford, Connecticut. The 31-year-old was a powerful swimmer and all-around athlete in addition to

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Hannah McLaughlin Desmond (1879 – 1904)


אויף יאנואר 7, 1903, סט. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond married 24-year-old Hannah McLaughlin in a ceremony he hoped to keep secret. The 46-year-old Desmond always said he would never marry due to the dangers of his job. אָבער, he was clearly smitten with Hannah McLaughlin. In March 1897, די סט. Louis Post-Dispatch printed the first rumors of an

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The Big House on Cook Avenue


A 122-year-old brick house dominates the street scene at the corner of Whittier Street and Cook Avenue in St. לוי, מאַזעראַ. Builders erected the 2378 square foot house in 1892. זיין יינציק אַרקאַטעקטשער כולל אַ טערט באַלקאָן אויף די רגע שטאָק פון די צאָפנ - מיזרעך וואַנט. When first built, 4200 Cook must have been an impressive site. הייַנט, 4200 קאָכן איז

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ראַנגלערייַ אין די 1904 זומער אָלימפּיקס אין סט. לוי


אויף פרייטאג, אָקטאָבער 14, און שבת, אָקטאָבער 15, 1904, 42 רעסאַלערז אין 7 וואָג קלאסן באגעגנט אין דער ערשטער אָלימפּיק גאַמעס קאַנטעסטאַד אין די פרעעסטילע ראַנגלערייַ אופֿן. איידער אָלימפּיק גאַמעס זענען קאַנטעסטאַד אין די גרעקאָ-רוימער נוסח פון ראַנגלערייַ. די 1904 זומער אָלימפּיקס איז געווען פארנומען אין קאַנדזשאַנגקשאַן מיט די 1904 וועלט ס פער אין סט. לוי, מאָ. סט. Louis was well-represented in

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Ghost of the Old Castle


אויף סעפטעמבער 5, 1984, I walked through the doors of Grover Cleveland High School for the first time. I attended St. לוי’ most popular magnet school at the time, Kennard NJROTC Academy. די סט. Louis School Board decided to move the program to “The Castle on Grand”. Cleveland High School would graduate many St. Louis children on St. לוי’ South

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Would Be Assassin’s St. Louis Roots


אויף סעפטעמבער 21, 1897, Joseph Bloomfield Jackson attempted to sneak into the White House armed with a loaded revolver. Jackson had boasted of plans to attack a high government official for days. Jackson was arrested before he could carry out his plans to attack President McKinley. Police quickly realized Jackson was mentally disturbed. They sent him to a Washington asylum

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Prelude to 1912 פּרעזאַדענטשאַל וואַלן

טעאָדאָר-ראָסעוועלץ-ווירקונג אויף-1912-וואַלן

טיאַדאָר רוזעוועלט געמאכט אַ גוירלדיק באַשלוס אויף וואַלן טאָג 1904. ער מודיע נאָך זייַענדיק עלעקטעד צו די פּרעזאַדאַנסי אין זיין אייגן רעכט נאָך אַסענדינג צו די אָפיס אויף די אַסאַסאַניישאַן פון וויליאם מאַקינלי אַז ער וואָלט ניט לויפן פֿאַר אנדערן טערמין אין 1908. Roosevelt had served almost a full term before his election as McKinley was assassinated in September 1901.

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Gotch Wanted Hack in St. לוי


Frank Gotch took the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Tom Jenkins in December 1903. Gotch intended on following up this triumph with a match for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt. Gotch wanted to meet “כאַק” אין סט. Louis during the 1904 וועלט ס פער. Unfortunately for Gotch and St. לוי, the match would not occur until 1908 in Chicago,

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