Cracksmen Caught at Eugene Field House


У суботу, Сакавік 12, 1904, Вуліца. Louis Detective James J. Moran led a team of detectives to a room in a row house at 634 South Broadway on St. Луіс’ Near South Side. Frank Ward, a suspected safe cracker, rented a room in the row house. Besides Ward, the detectives arrested Edward Seely and John Shumway. Моран і дэтэктывы

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Nine Boys and A Man Fall Down Shaft


У халодны ноччу ў студзені ў 1904, , Калі горад Санкт. Louis was preparing for the World’s Fair which would make it famous, overzealous co-workers killed seven boys and a man. Гэта было 5:45 p.m. on January 13th at the old Brown Shoe Company factory at the corner of Washington Avenue and North Eleventh Street. Time for the men to

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A Tale of Two Turnvereine Halls


The fate of much of St. Луіс’ historic buildings prove the old real estate adage. It’s all about location, location, location. If the building is in the South St. Луіс, it has a better chance of being saved than a building on the North Side. The same could be said for buildings located in the center of the city except

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Theodore Roosevelt Wins 6 States in 1912


After Theodore Roosevelt won reelection in his own right during November 1904, TR impetuously announced he would not run for another term. His inner circle, particularly his wife Edith, would think the decision a mistake. Аднак, once Theodore Roosevelt made a pronouncement, he intended to keep his word. Рузвельт выбраў свайго ваеннага міністра і былога губернатара Філіпін

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General Sherman’s St. Louis Home

Шэрман дом

General William Tecumseh Sherman of Civil War fame had deep roots in St. Louis stretching back to 1843. As a soldier, the US Army assigned Sherman to Jefferson Barracks. Sherman was also involved in St. Louis businesses as the St. Louis Street Railroad Company President until he left St. Louis for the Civil War in 1861.   After the war,

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Сяржант. King’s Home on Lotus Avenue


Я раней пісаў пра інцыдэнт, у якім дэтэктыў сяржант для St. Луі паліцыі быў застрэлены падчас спробы абрабавання. Unlike a number of other incidents in Gilded Age St. Луі гісторыя, Detective Sergeant James Martin King’s home in January 1920 still exists. The home is still in excellent condition. 4973 Lotus Avenue was the home of Sgt. King in

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Старая кватэра прабабулі


Гэта гісторыя пра 1942-44 Эбер Вуліца, which is in the Old North St. Луі наваколлі Санкт. Луіс, Місуры. Like its neighbors, гэтая структура бачыў лепшыя дні. Я зацікавіўся будынка, таму што мая прабабуля жылі па гэтым адрасе ў 1930. Сям'я майго дзеда па матчынай лініі жылі ў паўночнай частцы Санкт-. Louis during his

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