Union MO Bank Robbery Book Signing


В субботу, Апрель 9, 2022, the Franklin County Missouri Historical Society invited me to give a PowerPoint presentation on the Union Missouri Bank Robbery of 1902. The book covers the robbery, the investigation, two nationwide hunts for the fugitive and a daring break from the St. Louis City Jail. Two daring robbers, not yet 23 лет, pulled off

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Вступление в Союз, МО ограбление банка


On Christmas Night 1902, two small town, small-time, holdup men blew open the safe of the Union, Missouri Bank. After threatening a few citizens, they made off with over $15,000. The men were relatively safe for a few months until the Pinkerton Detective Agency was called in. The Pinkertons had a nationwide agency, which was the closest thing the United

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Том Аллен стреляет в покровителя


Том Аллен родился в Бирмингеме, England on April 23, 1840 но он прославился как боксер-тяжеловес в Америке.. Поселение в ул.. Louis around 1867, Аллен выиграл чемпионат Америки в тяжелом весе в 1873 и удерживал титул до 1876. Он вернулся в Англию на год, прежде чем вернуться в Санкт-Петербург.. Луи навсегда в 1878. Back

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Girlfriend Kills St. Louis Officer


On Monday evening, Июль 16, 1917, Улица. Louis Police Officer Julius H. Petring assigned to the North Market Division entered a rooming house at 2301 N. Market Street. Petring asked the proprietor William Dietrich to rent a room for him and his wife. Его “wife” was his recently divorced girlfriend Freda Hagenmeyer. Officer Petring had been seeing Freda Hagenmeyer, кто

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Мать признается вождю Десмонду


Над его 17 годовая карьера, Улица. Главный детектив Луи Уильям Десмонд имел дело со многими членами семьи преступника.. Некоторые члены семьи были такими же плохими или даже хуже, чем главный преступник Десмонд и его люди заперли.. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", многие члены семьи были честными, трудолюбивые люди, кто изо всех сил пытался понять, что случилось с их любимым человеком. В начале своей карьеры

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Chief Desmond Driven From Office


“For the good of the department”. With those 6 words, the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners removed St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond from the position he held for 17 лет. They replaced him with Desmond’s ex-assistant James Smith, who was dismissed by the previous board. How did one of the greatest, if not the greatest, detectives in

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Willis Hall Gets 99 Years for Murder


Декабря 15, 1903, about 2:00 o’clock in the morning, George Harding, the clerk of the Erie Hotel, was busy working in his office. Used to working alone, Harding had relaxed his vigil and didn’t notice three large, hard looking men enter the hotel at Fourth and Clark Streets. His attention was arrested, when the first man entered his office

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Preston Anslyn’s Early Exploits


Before he was promoted to Special Officer, Улица. Louis Police Officer Preston Anslyn responded to calls for service like any other patrolman. On the morning of February 28, 1916, Anslyn was patrolling the area of Franklin and Jefferson Avenues. A citizen notified Anslyn that 30-year-old Albert Kivet was celebrating after his birthday on February 27th. During his revelry, Kivet assaulted

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Suspects But No Murderers


Октября 16, 1920, Special Officers Preston Anslyn and William A. Moller were following two burglars in the 3800 block of Juanita Avenue during a heavy fog. One or both burglars shot the officers from a gangway as they walked onto the lawn of a house, where they thought the burglars entered. The officers both suffered fatal wounds, which killed

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Detective Desmond Closes Pawn Shop


Running a pawn shop has always been a tough business because you constantly have to be on the look out for thieves attempting to pawn their stolen goods in your shop. In the late 19th Century, police detectives worked with pawn shops, as they do today, to try to stop the fencing of goods. In August 1885, future St. Луис

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