Ўступленне ў Саюз, МО рабаванне банка


На калядную ноч 1902, два невялікія мястэчкі, малачасовы, захопленыя людзі ўзарвалі сейф Саюза, Банк Місуры. Пасля пагроз некалькім грамадзянам, яны ўцяклі з над $15,000. Мужчыны знаходзіліся ў адноснай бяспецы на працягу некалькіх месяцаў, пакуль не выклікалі дэтэктыўнае агенцтва Пінкертана. Пінкертоны мелі агульнанацыянальнае агенцтва, which was the closest thing the United

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Rats Rob Baden Bank in 1919


Around 10 am on Thursday, Красавіка 10, 1919, five heavily armed men burst into the Baden Bank. The bandits confronted M.W. Muntzel, the cashier, and demanded access to the vault. They rounded up the four other employees as Muntzel led the group to the vault. The robbers wore colored bandanas to obscure their features. While two of the five men

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Officer Fatally Wounded Nabbing Killer

стары СТЛ-паліцэйскі значок

Лістапада 16, 1877, Вуліца. Луі паліцэйскі Джон S. White and his partner Officer Heffernan responded to a report of a wanted man tried to pawn stolen merchandise at Wright’s Pawnshop. Чалавек як пасля высветлілася, Фрэнк Rande ўвайшлі ламбард Райта каля 9:30 A.M. Райт паслаў аднаго са сваіх памочнікаў у паліцыі. As Officer White and Heffernan

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Прыгажунчык St Флойда. Луі Рабаванне


У 1934, Charles ArthurPretty BoyFloyd ended his criminal career in an East Liverpool, Ohio corn field after a shoot out with FBI agents and local law enforcement officers. Аднак, in December 1925, he was inmate number 29078 at the Missouri Penitentiary. The 21-year-old Floyd had just been convicted of robbing the Kroeger Grocery and Baking Company main office

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Suspects But No Murderers


Кастрычнік 16, 1920, Special Officers Preston Anslyn and William A. Moller were following two burglars in the 3800 block of Juanita Avenue during a heavy fog. One or both burglars shot the officers from a gangway as they walked onto the lawn of a house, where they thought the burglars entered. The officers both suffered fatal wounds, які забіваў

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Detective Desmond Closes Pawn Shop

галоўны Уільям Дэзманд

Running a pawn shop has always been a tough business because you constantly have to be on the look out for thieves attempting to pawn their stolen goods in your shop. In the late 19th Century, police detectives worked with pawn shops, as they do today, to try to stop the fencing of goods. In August 1885, future St. Луіс

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Willis Hall Gets 99 Years for Murder


Сьнежня 15, 1903, about 2:00 o’clock in the morning, George Harding, the clerk of the Erie Hotel, was busy working in his office. Used to working alone, Harding had relaxed his vigil and didn’t notice three large, hard looking men enter the hotel at Fourth and Clark Streets. His attention was arrested, when the first man entered his office

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Іра Купер Вырашае Jewel Рабаванне


Лістапада 10, 1924, Г-жа. А.В. Стыкні выходзіў з катэдры St. Загарадны клуб Луіс, калі да яе падышлі двое афраамерыканцаў. Больш светлы мужчына сказаў місіс. Стыкні перадаць яе каштоўнасці, інакш ён забярэ іх у яе. Fearing for her safety, Г-жа. Стыкні працягнула мужчыну свае каштоўнасці, ацэнены ў $17,000.00, і $85.00 in cash. Г-жа.

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A Day in Judge Cady’s Court

чатыры корта, будынак

On September 15, 1887, a muscular man stood in the First District Police Court listening to Judge Cady. As he looked out between eyes almost swollen shut and a busted lip, he waited to see if justice would be done. It was as Judge Cady told the beaten man, “$10 fine for disturbing the peace. $100 for resisting arrest. You

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William Rudolph and Union Bank Robbery

Рэспубліка Сэнт-Луіс-26 студзеня 1903 г

На працягу апошняга тыдня снежні 1902, Уільям Рудольф, нядаўна вярнуўся шахцёр акрузе Франклін, і Джордж Колінз абрабавалі Union Bank ў Саюзе, Місуры. Яны абрабавалі яго на ноч, калі ніхто не прысутнічаў, падарваўшы сейф. Rudolph returned to his parents’ cabin in Stanton, Місуры. He and his accomplice hid out until the Franklin County Sheriff

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