Albert Whitefield’s First Murder

kasus pembunuhan huddleston

Pada November 17, 1912, Albert Whitefield achieved infamy in St. Louis history by murdering St. Louis Police Officer Arthur Huddleston. Huddleston prevented Whitefield murdering his common law wife, Annie Washington, and her gentlemen caller. Whitefield shot Huddleston to death in a Midtown alley before leading St. Louis Police on a two state chase. Arthur Huddleston was not Albert Whitefield’s first

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Hannah McLaughlin Desmond (1879 – 1904)


Pada Januari 7, 1903, St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond married 24-year-old Hannah McLaughlin in a ceremony he hoped to keep secret. The 46-year-old Desmond always said he would never marry due to the dangers of his job. However, he was clearly smitten with Hannah McLaughlin. In March 1897, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed the first rumors of an

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St. Louis Police Protect World’s Fair


The Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, atau 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair as it is more popularly known, is the most significant event in St. Louis, Missouri history. While St. Louis was the largest city west of the Mississippi River, the World’s Fair put it on the international map. While the fair would bring notoriety, tourists and increased revenue to the city,

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Chief Desmond’s Recruits


St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond’s success in capturing many desperate criminals made him a celebrity of sorts particularly among aspiring detectives. When Edgar Allan Poe wrote three tales based on the exploits of fictional detective C. Auguste Dupin, detective fiction captured the attention of readers. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle popularized the genre permanently with his fictional detective, Sherlock

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Itu 1904 Attempted St. Louis Jail Break


George Collins, the second bank robber involved in the Union, MO bank robbery on December 26, 1902, mencoba untuk melarikan diri dari St. Louis Jail pada bulan Januari 1904. Selain bekerja sama dengan para tahanan lain untuk membuat lubang di dinding penjara, ia juga diatur dengan penjaga penjara untuk memiliki gergaji diselundupkan kepadanya. Collins intended to use

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Hotel Sneak Thief Captured


During the Gilded Age and for several decades after, St. Louis had the distinction of being the largest city west of the Mississippi River. Pickpockets and thieves rode the rails to ply their illicit trade in the bustling metropolis. Pada September 21, 1901, hotel employees overpowered a sneak thief, who attempted to burglarize a room in the plush Southern Hotel.

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