רוברט קריד הורג קוקיות’ לידר


לפני קריאת כנופיות סנט. לואיס: גברים של כבוד מאת דניאל וו, ידעתי וכתבתי על רוברט קריד ואחיו תומאס שרצח את סנט. קצין המשטרה של לואי ג'ורג 'גייסלר ביום ליל כל הקדושים 1920. מה שלא ידעתי היה רוברט קריד היה חבר בכנופיית הקוקייה, ארגון פלילי אלים במיוחד בשנת 1920. רוברט קריד היה

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Ira Cooper Unravels Money Order Theft


On February 22, 1924, unknown suspects took $20,000.00 in American Express Company money orders from the Mercantile Trust Company in Downtown St. לואיס. בתחילה, the American Bankers Association hired private detectives. After the detectives were unable to discover any serious leads, the association turned the case over to the St. Louis Police Department. When the bank association turned over the

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Hannah McLaughlin Desmond (1879 – 1904)


On January 7, 1903, <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond married 24-year-old Hannah McLaughlin in a ceremony he hoped to keep secret. The 46-year-old Desmond always said he would never marry due to the dangers of his job. אולם, he was clearly smitten with Hannah McLaughlin. בחודש מרץ 1897, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed the first rumors of an

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<תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis Police Protect World’s Fair


The Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, או 1904 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis World’s Fair as it is more popularly known, is the most significant event in St. לואיס, Missouri history. While St. Louis was the largest city west of the Mississippi River, the World’s Fair put it on the international map. While the fair would bring notoriety, tourists and increased revenue to the city,

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Streetcar Strike Claims First Victim


ביום רביעי, מאי 9, 1900, יומו השני של רחוב. לואיס החשמלית Strike, כדור תועה נהרג פרנק ליברכט. פרנק ליברכט, ותיק ספרדי אמריקאי מלחמה, צופה בעצרת שביתה בפינת פיני ו-N. אווניו טיילור. במהלך העצרת, some in the crowd observed the last two streetcars for the day coming down the tracks about a

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The 1904 St ניסה. Louis Jail Break


ג'ורג' קולינס, the second bank robber involved in the Union, MO bank robbery on December 26, 1902, ניסיתי להימלט סנט. כלא לואיס בינואר 1904. חוץ מעבודה עם האסירים האחרים על ביצוע חור בקיר של הכלא, הוא גם סידר עם סוהר יש מסורים שהוברחו אליו. Collins intended to use

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Detective Desmond Gets His Men


Before he became St. Louis Chief of Detectives in 1890, William Desmond plied his trade as a Detective with the St. לואיס משטרת המטרופוליטן. During February 1890, Detective Desmond’s persistent efforts to locate two confidence men paid off with the arrest of both men. “Kinch” Keegan and “Thatch” Grady were brother-in-laws and accomplices in several confidence games. On January

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Hotel Sneak Thief Captured


During the Gilded Age and for several decades after, <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis had the distinction of being the largest city west of the Mississippi River. Pickpockets and thieves rode the rails to ply their illicit trade in the bustling metropolis. On September 21, 1901, hotel employees overpowered a sneak thief, who attempted to burglarize a room in the plush Southern Hotel.

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Streetcar Strike Mob Attacks Woman


I have always said the St. לואיס החשמלית Strike של 1900 was not the story of the evil streetcar companies exploiting the innocent workers. “The innocent workers” committed many deplorable acts during the streetcar strike. One of their most frequent tactics involved stripping woman in public who rode the streetcars during the strike. Amazingly, הקורבנות שלהם היו צעירים ומושכים

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Chief Desmond Brings Fugitive Home


<תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond would be primarily responsible for the security of the 1904 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis World’s Fair. Prior to the fair opening in April 1904, Desmond played a critical role in St. לואיס’ boodling investigation. During his boodling investigation, <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "971" = bbox_w "2027" = bbox_h "13" = fsize "19" = fweight "13" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ". Louis Circuit Attorney Joseph “הקדוש ג'ו” Folk indicted City Councilman Charles Kratz for taking bribes or

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