St. Louis Polizia Prendere Indiana Escapee


St. Louis capo della polizia di Detectives William Desmond ha fatto molti criminali difficili parlano sopra la sua carriera. John Huey, un assassino Indiana, Non è stato uno di questi casi. Huey ha parlato liberamente con Desmond sul suo passato criminale. Huey fuggito da Indiana dopo aver scontato 13 anni per un omicidio in 1874. John Huey venne a Lione, Indiana in 1874 as a 22-year-old.

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Streetcar Strike Mob Attacks Woman


I have always said the St. Louis Tram Colpo di 1900 was not the story of the evil streetcar companies exploiting the innocent workers. “The innocent workers” committed many deplorable acts during the streetcar strike. One of their most frequent tactics involved stripping woman in public who rode the streetcars during the strike. Amazingly, their victims were young and attractive

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Chief Desmond Brings Fugitive Home


St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond would be primarily responsible for the security of the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. Prior to the fair opening in April 1904, Desmond played a critical role in St. Louis’ boodling investigation. During his boodling investigation, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Joseph “Holy Joe” Folk indicted City Councilman Charles Kratz for taking bribes or

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Would Be Assassin’s St. Louis Roots


Nel settembre 21, 1897, Joseph Bloomfield Jackson attempted to sneak into the White House armed with a loaded revolver. Jackson had boasted of plans to attack a high government official for days. Jackson was arrested before he could carry out his plans to attack President McKinley. Police quickly realized Jackson was mentally disturbed. Lo hanno mandato in un manicomio di Washington

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Capo Desmond Nabs paio di pantaloni


William Desmond nabbed molti ladri durante la sua 17 anni di carriera come St. Louis capo degli investigatori. Ha sviluppato una reputazione a livello nazionale come “Il ladro Taker”. Lunedi ', Ottobre 15, 1900, Capo Desmond nabbed i pantaloni di un ladro, ma non il ladro se stesso. Jonas Washington è entrato nel cortile di Shickle, Harrison and Howard Iron Foundry at 12th and Gratiot Streets

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Officer e Vice Confront uomo violento

vecchio-stl-distintivo della polizia

Agosto 31, 1901, Night Watchman William Doherty scoperto Willis Garner svaligiato l'ufficio di Schickle, Harrison e Howard Iron Company a 912 S. Twelfth Street a St. Louis, Missouri. La società di ferro impiegato Garner, che ha lanciato un martello alla testa di Doherty. The hammer missed its target but the confusion allowed Garner to jump out the window and make his

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