Union Bank Lapurreta Kolpe


Ostiralean, Martxoa 13, 1903, the Franklin County Judge William Davidson arraigned William Rudolph and George Collins for the robbery of the Union Bank and the murder of Pinkerton Detective Charles Schumacher. Rudolph eta Collins plead “ez errudun”. Davidson epaileak hiru abokatuek esleitutako Rudolph eta Collins irudikatzeko. William Rudolph aitortza bat eman St izateko. Louis media, which was

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Easton Taylor Trust konpainiaren lapurreta


Apirilaren 5, 1920, Frederick Charles Smith, also known as “The Red-Headed Bandit”, walked into the Easton-Taylor Trust Company at 4474 Easton Avenue. Smith had a revolver in each hand and demanded money from the cashier. Bere bizitzaren beldur, idazkaria berehala jaitsi zen $15,309 in a sack. John Lanigan, bankuko presidentea, bere bulegoan eseri zen atondotik kanpo

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