삽화 47 – 론도스 vs. Carnera

거의 진짜 같았던 팟캐스트 예술

https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/4gvdnq/Episode_477tfz4.mp3Podcast: 새 창에서 재생 | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the careers of Jim Londos and Primo Carnera leading into a review of the 1950 wrestling match. Update We start off with an update about our recording schedule. One of the team is on the injured reserve, so we will be recording on Skype for the next several episodes.

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삽화 43 – 혼합 시합

레이 스틸

https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/n9e7e9/Episode_4382qwo.mp3팟캐스트: 새 창에서 재생 | 다운로드업데이트 Origins of a Legend 작성을 마쳤습니다.: 에드의 탄생 “<스팬 bbox_x = "949"bbox_y = "1780"bbox_w = "52"bbox_h = "19"fsize = "13"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = "” 무거운 돌덩이 따위를 끌어 올리고 내리는 쇠 집게. 편집 후, 1월 말~2월 초에 출시될 것 같아요 2024. 우리는 여성 레슬링 조직에 대한 Vince Russo의 아이디어에 대해 간략하게 논의합니다.. 우리는 이 재료의 시장을 파악하려고 노력합니다.. 우리는 또한 치료사가 아마도

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액톤 씨름 Fitzsimmons

조 액튼

금요일에, 11월 27, 1891, 전 미국 헤비급 레슬링 챔피언 조 액튼은 샌프란시스코에서 미래의 세계 헤비급 복싱 챔피언 밥 피츠시몬스와 씨름했습니다., 캘리포니아. 남자들은보고를 위해 씨름했다 $1,000.00 purse. Acton은 일반적으로 상대에게 크기를 포기했지만 Acton은 148파운드 Fitzsimmons보다 7파운드 더 컸습니다.. 남자들은 캐치 애즈 캐치 캔 레슬링에 따라 투 아웃 오브 쓰리 폴스 시합을 벌였습니다.

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Steele은 혼합 한판 승부에서 Levinsky와 대결합니다.

레이 스틸

11 월 19, 1935, professional wrestler Ray Steele met professional boxer Kingfish Levinsky in a mixed wresting versus boxing bout. The Missouri State Athletic Commission created special rules for the match. The commissioners ruled the bout would consist of three-minute rounds like a boxing match. The commissioners allowed Levinsky to punch even if he was on the mat. Steele could

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스 태니 슬라 우스 Zbyszko는 전 권투 선수 패배

스 태니 슬라 우스 - zbyszko

월 1 일에 10, 1910, recently arrived Polish wrestler Stanislaus Zbyszko took on Charlie “The Kid” Cutler in a best two-out-of-three falls match. Cutler had been a boxer in a troupe run by John L. Sullivan before transitioning to wrestling. While Cutler was extremely tough, Stanislaus Zbyszko had been wrestling since his youth. Zbyszko would use these skills to overcome Cutler

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Blackburn and Langford Go Distance


Charles Henry “잭” Blackburn achieved his greatest fame as the trainer of World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis from 1934 에 1942. Louis is widely considered to be one of the top three to five heavyweights in professional boxing history and some consider him the best heavyweight fighter. “잭” Blackburn developed the talents of the young champion and helped him

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Sam Langford KOs BattlinJim Johnson

SAM-랭 포드

화요일에, 12월 12, 1916, Sam Langford defended the “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, which he won from Sam McVea in February 1916. 사이에 1904 과 1919, the best African-American boxers, or black Canadians like Langford, were stuck fighting each other forColoredChampionship. If a white fighter did fight them, it was only to develop their own reputation to

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Kilrain Battles Godfrey in Brutal Fight


금요일에, 행진 13, 1891, Jake Kilrain fought George Godfrey at the California Athletic Club in San Francisco, 캘리포니아. The men fought for a trophy and $5,000. The men entered the ring at 9:52 P.M. 윌리엄 Muldoon, former World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, seconded Kilrain, who Muldoon trained for this fight. Muldoon trained Kilrain’s opponent, 존 L. 설리반, for their 1889

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