Fitz Dethrones Corbett in 1897


Na ožujka 17, 1897, current World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Corbett entered the boxing ring at Carson City, Nevada. Corbett faced the challenge of former middleweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett entered as the favorite enjoying both an almost twenty pound weight advantage and slick boxing skills. “Ruddy Robert” as Fitzsimmons was sometimes known won the World Middleweight Boxing Championship in

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Steele se suočava s Levinskim u mješovitoj borbi


Studeni 19, 1935, profesionalni hrvač Ray Steele susreo se s profesionalnim boksačem Kingfishom Levinskyjem u mješovitoj borbi hrvanja protiv boksača. Državna atletska komisija Missourija stvorila je posebna pravila za utakmicu. Povjerenici su odlučili da će se borba sastojati od trominutnih rundi poput boksačkog meča. Povjerenici su dopustili Levinskom da udari čak i ako je bio na strunjači. Steele bi mogao

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Jeffries KOs Corbett


Svibnja 11, 1900, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jeffries fought his former employer James J. Corbett. Corbett held the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in the early 1890s. Corbett hired the powerfully built Jeffires to help him prepare for his title challengers. Jeffries went on to win the world title from the man, who beat Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett

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Dupla pobjeda Marvina Harta


U 1902, budući svjetski boksački prvak u teškoj kategoriji Marvin Hart bio je kandidat u usponu. Bori se prvenstveno iz svog rodnog grada Louisvillea, Kentucky, Hart je igrao protiv Kida Cartera u Southern Athletic Clubu u svibnju 2, 1902. Na 17-1, Hart je znao da bi još jedna pobjeda bila u velikoj mjeri u osiguravanju borbe za naslov u teškoj kategoriji. Kid Carter rođen u Brooklynu namjeravao je

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan


Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Ketchel se bori protiv lakog prvaka


1909 vidio je kako Stanley Ketchel nastavlja svoj mučni tempo kroz sve najbolje borce oko granice srednje težine. In March 1909, Ketchel se suočila s rijetkim izazovom, kada se borio s vladajućim svjetskim prvakom u poluteškoj kategoriji Philadelphijom Jackom O’Brienom. O’Brien je bio uglađeni boksač, koji je iskoristio svoju brzinu i neuhvatljivost da nabije Ketchela u ranim rundama. Unatoč O'Brienovoj prednosti u veličini, Ketchel je bila

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“Terrible” Terry Beats Dixon for Title


Siječnja 5, 1900, four days before a showdown with Bantamweight Boxing Champion Terry McGovern, Featherweight World Boxing Champion George Dixon made an announcement to chill the spine of all his supporters. Dixon announced that win or lose, he would be retiring from the ring after the bout with McGovern. The last thing a manager wants to hear before a

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