Abe Attell Defeats Forbes


St. Louis, at the beginning of the 20th Century, had a prominent professional boxing scene. Abe Attell, although born in San Francisco, was based in St. Louis. On February 1, 1904, Attell defended his World Featherweight Boxing Championship against frequent rival Harry Forbes. Forbes was also a regular on the St. Louis boxing scene. Forbes defeated Danny Dougherty for the

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Sam Langford Fights for Welter Title


Sam Langford da kiloko handienetako bat jotzen libra garai guztietako borrokalariak. Martxoan jaio zen 4, 1883 Weymouth Falls, Eskozia, he Kanadako garai guztietako boxeolari handiena hartzen da. Bere borroka karrera luzatu 1900 arte 1926. Langford bakarrik koa izan 5 oinak sei eta erdiak hazbeteko altuera eta pisatu 185 bere astunena at libera. Zuen

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Monte Attell Battles Reagan


Monte Attell was the younger brother of World Featherweight Boxing Champion Abe Attell. Monte would always be stuck in the shadow of his older brother but was a talented fighter in his own right. Monte would win the World Bantamweight Boxing Championship during his career and establish himself as a world class fighter. Urtean 1904, he was a 19-year-old up-and-coming

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan


Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Big Match erortzen da


Martxoan 1893, herrialde osoko egunkariek egungo munduko pisu arineko boxeo txapeldun Jack McAulifferen eta Saint Louis boxeo irakaslea den Mike Mooney-ren arteko partida baten istorioa zeramaten.. Partida bitxia dirudien arren, Mooney arin jotzen zuen erronkaria zen, -ren erakargarria $2500 alde bat da ziurrenik txapelduna mahaira eraman duena. Egokitua

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Oliver Kirk eta 1904 St. Louis olinpiadak


Oliver Leonard Kirk du boxeolari olinpiko bakarra izateaz urrezko domina bat irabazteko bi pisu klase desberdinetan Olinpiar Jokoen berean bereizketa du. Oliver Kirk balentria hau lortzen bere jaioterrian Olympics 1904. St. Louis anfitrioi hirugarren Olinpiar zehar 1904 Munduko Azoka Erakusketa. Like the Paris Games four years before, St. Louis gave

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Jake Kilrain Boxes to a Draw


While famous for fighting John L. Sullivan in the last world championship prizefight contested under bare knuckle rules, Jake Kilrain also took part in many gloved bouts. Prizefighting was transitioning from bare knuckle rules to gloved bouts under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules (early amateur and professional boxing) in the late 19th Century. Like Sullivan, Kilrain would fight in major

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