Abe Attell Defeats Forbes


St. Louis, at the beginning of the 20th Century, had a prominent professional boxing scene. Abe Attell, although born in San Francisco, was based in St. Louis. Në shkurt 1, 1904, Attell defended his World Featherweight Boxing Championship against frequent rival Harry Forbes. Forbes was also a regular on the St. Louis boxing scene. Forbes defeated Danny Dougherty for the

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Sam Langford Fights for Welter Title

Sam Langford lufton fëmijën Dixie

Sam Langford është konsideruar si një funt të madh për luftëtarët paund të të gjitha kohërave. Born on March 4, 1883 në Weymouth Falls, Nova Scotia, he is considered the greatest Canadian boxer of all time. His fighting career stretched from 1900 në 1926. Langford only stood 5 feet six and half inches tall and weighed 185 pounds at his heaviest. Ai

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan

Fitorja e dyfishtë e Marvin Hart

Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Ndeshja e madhe bie


Në mars 1893, gazetat në të gjithë vendin treguan historinë e një ndeshje të propozuar midis kampionit aktual botëror të boksit në pesha të rënda, Jack McAuliffe dhe instruktorit të boksit në Saint Louis, Mike Mooney. Edhe pse ndeshja do të dukej e çuditshme sepse Mooney ishte një sfidues aq i lehtë, joshja e $2500 një anë është ndoshta ajo që e solli kampionin në tryezë. Rregulluar

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Oliver Kirk dhe 1904 St. Louis Olympics


Oliver Leonard Kirk has the distinction of being the only Olympic boxer to win a gold medal in two separate weight classes in the same Olympic Games. Oliver Kirk accomplished this feat at his hometown Olympics in 1904. St. Louis hosted the third Olympiad during the 1904 World’s Fair Exposition. Like the Paris Games four years before, St. Louis gave

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Jake Kilrain Boxes to a Draw


While famous for fighting John L. Sullivan in the last world championship prizefight contested under bare knuckle rules, Jake Kilrain also took part in many gloved bouts. Prizefighting was transitioning from bare knuckle rules to gloved bouts under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules (early amateur and professional boxing) in the late 19th Century. Like Sullivan, Kilrain would fight in major

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