Sam Langford Fights the Dixie Kid


As I have written in several posts, the best heavyweight boxers between 1900 і 1919 were the African-American boxers forced to fight each other for theColored Championship”. Even after the great Jack Johnson finally broke the color line and won the World Heavyweight Championship, he would only defend the title against white contenders. У выніку, the toughest challengers

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Сэм Маквей аказвае ціск на чэмпіёна


Sam McVey would win the World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Championship in an era where the three best fighters were black and frozen out of the title picture. He started 1903 out so well, he would put pressure on World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jeffries to give him a match. Jeffries refused to break the “color line” by giving a

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“Terrible” Terry Shows His Power


“Terrible” Terry McGovern proved to be a rare fighter at the turn of the Twentieth Century. While smaller boxers packed no power in their punches, McGovern, who scaled between 110 і 126 фунты, possessed tremendous knockout power. “Terrible” Terry often finished his opponents in the first four rounds. On July 1, 1899, Brooklyn based McGovern met Chicago’s Johnny Richie at

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Burns Beats Hart for Heavyweight Title


On February 23, 1906, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Marvin Hart defended his title in Los Angeles. When James J. Jeffries retired as heavyweight champion, Hart and Jack Sharkey fought for the vacant title. Hart was the surprise winner of the fight. Hart refused to fight Jack Johnson, the recognized best heavyweight. Instead he fought Tommy Burns, a 5’07” skilled boxer.

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Abe Attell and St. Louis Boxing


У 2010, Вуліца. Луі быў 58-ы па велічыні горад у Злучаных Штатах і 19 па велічыні мегаполіс. На мяжы стагоддзяў, гэта быў пяты ці шосты па велічыні горад у Злучаных Штатах і па велічыні на захад ад ракі Місісіпі. Вуліца. Louis had one of the largest clothing, shoe and beer manufacturing industries in

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Ўплыў бокса на легітымнай барацьбе


У 1910-х гадах, Амерыканская прафесійная барацьба пастаянна перамяшчаецца з законных барацьбітаўскіх спаборніцтваў на загадзя падрыхтаваныя выставы. цікавасць вентылятара, кантроль промотора і меншы знос і разрыў на ўсе змагар гуляюць пэўную ролю ў гэтым пераходзе. Яшчэ менш гаварылі пра ціск за межамі самога спорту. Да 20-га стагоддзя, прафесійны бокс быў незаконным ў Злучаных Штатах. проста кулака

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Johnson Outpoints McVey


У чацвер, Лютага 26, 1903, Jack Johnson defended his World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Championship against the undefeated Sam McVey. McVey brought a 6-0 record with six knockouts into the championship match. Since boxing promoters refused to let Black fighters compete for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, the best boxers around the turn of the Century fought for the World Colored

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McVey KOs Ferguson


Жнівень 11, 1915, current World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Champion Sam McVey fought Sandy Ferguson in Boston, Massachusetts at the Atlas Athletic Association gym. McVey fought in an era where promoters froze out all the African American boxers, except the great Jack Johnson, from fighting for the world championship. McVey defeated most of the other great Black fighters of this

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Man Kills Middleweight King


After averaging 9 fights a year over the past 7 гадоў, World Middleweight Boxing Champion Stanley “The Michigan Assassin” Ketchel was exhausted. Ketchel took a vacation on the Missouri ranch of his friend Colonel R. P. Dickerson in an attempt to regain his strength and enthusiasm for fighting. Ketchel never returned from vacation as he was shot and killed at

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Marvin Hart’s Double Win


У 1902, future World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Marvin Hart was a rising contender. Fighting primarily out of his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, Hart was matched against Kid Carter at the Southern Athletic Club on May 2, 1902. At 17-1, Hart knew another victory would go a long way in securing a heavyweight title fight. The Brooklyn-born Kid Carter intended to

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