Gentleman Jim KOs Boston Strong Boy


John L. Sullivan nagusi zuen saria eraztuna bere ibilbidean zehar. Erregistro bat edukitzea 40 garaipen, no galerak eta bi zozketa, “The Boston Strong Boy” invencible jotzen zen. Sullivan munduko txapelketa irabazi zuen 1882 eta errezeten challengers guztiak siglo XIX Fight Jake Kilrain batekin batera zelarik. Kilrain garaituz epiko bout honetan ostean, John L.

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Borroka txapelduna Saiakera Boxing


Asteartean, Urtarrila 19, 1909, Dr. Benjamin Roller, a Seattle physician and pro wrestler who was good enough to win the American Heavyweight Championship, inexplicably decided to try his hand at professional boxing. His opponent was friend and sparring partner, “Denver” Ed Martin, who would win the Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Roller was a unique athlete

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Langford Defeats The Great Gans


Abenduaren on 8, 1903, Sam Langford fought the reigning lightweight boxing champion in his hometown of Boston, Massachusetts. Prior to fighting Langford, most boxing experts felt Joe Gans could not be beaten in a legitimate bout. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Gans was able to break the color barrier by winning the World Lightweight Boxing Championship. Sam Langford is often considered

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