Bulldog Drummond’s Bride (1939)


Al juliol 12, 1939, Paramount Pictures released the final film in their “B’ series adaptation of the Bulldog Drummond story. Bulldog Drummond’s Bride (1939) starred John Howard for the seventh final and time as Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond. Heather Angel returns as Phyllis Clavering, Drummond’s long time fiance. Phyllis has given Bulldog Drummond one last chance to marry her or

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Streetcar Strike Claims Policeman


Dijous a la nit, Maig 31, 1900, Albert Koenig, un simpatitzant de la vaga amb un historial de malaltia mental, El patruller Dennis Crane va disparar i va matar. El patruller de la grua i diversos altres oficials van respondre a la zona a causa dels informes de Koenig amenacen altres ciutadans. Koenig va entrar Eas and Sons Saloon a la cantonada sud-oest de S. Broadway and Osage Streets. Koenig may have

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What Is The Best Self-Defense Technique?


One of the biggest arguments in martial arts is still whether grappling or striking techniques are best for self-defense. Unsurprisingly, grappling arts advocate grappling techniques, while striking teachers hold up striking as the best method to defend yourself. The argument ignores the best self-defense technique in martial arts. Do not put yourself in situations, where the need for self-defense techniques

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