Ascens a 4t Dan


On Thursday, Gener 31, 2020, El gran mestre Pat Weseman em va ascendir a 4t Dan de Taekwondo a la classe avançada. Quan vaig començar les classes amb el gran mestre Weseman i el seu marit Art, No preveia arribar a aquesta fita. Inicialment vaig començar a fer classes amb el meu nebot Jim a la primavera 1995. Després de casar-se a 1996, Vaig deixar de fer classes durant diversos

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Iron Fist and Martial Arts

logotip de l'acadèmia-zimmerman

Marvel Studios released the series Iron Fist on Netflix on March 17, 2017. The series based on the Marvel comic about Danny Rand, a young man presumed to have died in a plane crash. Rand is rescued as a child by monks, who teach him martial arts in the Himalayas. The series contains a number of great martial arts fight scenes.

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Why I Studied the Martial Arts I Have


We included four or more martial arts in our academy’s curriculum. When I look at these arts, I see a distinct reason that I studied each one. These arts cover striking, grappling, ground fighting and a practical self-defense weapon, the cane. I started studying Shotokan karate in the Fall of 1994. I switched to Taekwondo with my nephew in the Spring of 1995. Taekwondo brought

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Pas de la torxa,en


This week my oldest son Kenneth turns 19 anys d'edat. Besides finishing school, Kenneth’s biggest focus is the martial arts. He is particularly passionate about teaching self-defense. A través dels anys, I have trained 14 nieces and nephews plus all three of my children in the martial arts. Last week, the first member of the third generation started with us. To

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