Episodi 68 – Start a Promotion


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/w8xx4379qy8ai3ti/Episode_68be7jw.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the beginnings of the regular St. Louis wrestling promotion in 1921. I also discuss the Mr. McMahon documentary on Netflix. Update Due to illness and medical appointments, we are a little late on releasing the episode this week. Shooter in a Worked World: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional

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Episodi 67 – In the News


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/san6f9gun6iekev6/Episode_678y2ti.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, Dan and I get caught up on all the news that is unfit to print. We save the history topic for the end of this episode. Time Stamps WWE News – 7:00 AEW News – 17:15 Divided Championship Period between 1925 i 1928 – 41:10 Shooter in a Worked World has

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Episodi 64 – St. Louis’ Primer lluitador professional


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/spdmc7h6u67pu7gw/Episode_645yst8.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the professional wrestling and refereeing career of St. Louis’ first professional wrestler, George Baptiste. Update With this episode, we will now be a weekly podcast. We may do review episodes occasionally. Dan will also be returning to the show in two weeks. Shooter in a Worked World: John Pesek

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Episodi 63 – Campionat dividit


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/n8uwavgcmk7ne2vs/Episode_6375896.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss 1925-1928, when both Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis and Joe Stecher claimed the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Update Caleb, Trey and I discuss Dan’s suggestion that we go to a weekly podcast. Shooter in a Worked World: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional Wars is available on Amazon. I also recommend

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Episodi 62 – Taro Miyake/Rikidozan vs. Kimura


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/szxuwn4ujrbrfxke/Episode_629zo4s.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, we look at Taro Miyake’s challenge matches in England and review one of the few double-crosses after the formation of the National Wrestling Alliance. Update I will release the John Pesek book in early to mid-September 2024. I hope to complete the next book by December 2024. I recommended the FightLore

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Episodi 60 – St. Louis Lluita


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/did8ub8hmszincxc/Episode_609wvte.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the development of the St. Louis wrestling promotion under Tom Packs and Sam Muchnick. Update We will issue two episodes next month on August 12, 2024, and August 26, 2024. I will not publish the John “El tigre de Nebraska” Pesek book until the end of August or middle of

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Episodi 59 – Els Pesek


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/bjrqaetkjeqib4ih/Episode_5974mk0.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, parlem de com Hubert i Charley Pesek van afectar la carrera de John “El tigre de Nebraska” Sorra. Actualització Encara som uns quants episodis de Dan que tornaran al podcast. S'està recuperant lentament però amb seguretat. També parlo breument sobre AEW Forbidden Door i WWE Money in the Bank. Main

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Episodi 58 – 1910 Anell de joc


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/f3p7uaja28cwn5zw/Episode_5868af3.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, Parlo del govern federal que persegueix una xarxa d'apostes 1910. El cas va exposar com els lluitadors treballaven els partits per enganyar als aficionats que aposten pels partits. Actualització Parlo de l'equip legal de Janel Grant fent una pausa a la Sra. La demanda de Grant mentre el govern federal continua la seva investigació. També parlo de la necessitat d'AEW de corregir el rumb

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Episodi 57 – Que està passant?


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/eeqc2peen7iscvva/Episode_578wxzc.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, Parlo de la propera programació de podcasts i de les revisions a kenzimmermanjr.com. Actualització He eliminat moltes de les publicacions del llegat al voltant de la genealogia, vida familiar, i pel·lícula. En aquest episodi, comento per què vaig començar a escriure un blog i com ha canviat el lloc web durant aquest temps. Podeu deixar un comentari o preguntar

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Episodi 56 – Treballant fora dels EUA


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/3uewyeeu5ttfgfnv/Episode_56bcopi.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, parlem de lluitadors i lluitadors de jiu jitsu que treballen al Brasil. També repassem el Rei i la Reina de l'Anell de la WWE. Hem tingut alguns problemes d'àudio en aquest episodi, però l'àudio encara es podia utilitzar. Hauríem de corregir el problema al juny. Tornarem a la gravació normal

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