Cat and the Canary (1927)


(I have included Chapter 4 from my unpublished book, German Expressionism and The Cat and the Canary.) Leni and Karl Freund are the bridge between German Expressionism and American Expressionism. Freund was an art and film director on such films as The Golem (1920) and Metropolis (1927). He brought the distinct look of Expressionism to Dracula (1931) and The Mummy

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William Muldoon Uses Long Copy

Колку често сте го слушнале најдобро да се користи краток копија или долго копија за интернет маркетинг. Некои поборниците се залага краток копија, некои се залагаат долга и некои се обидуваат да постигнат средина. Се чини дека секој има свое мислење, иако. Еден човек кој верува во користењето на долго копија за продажба на неговите услуги беше Вилијам Muldoon. Muldoon was

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The Second Step, Orange Rank


Orange Rank is the next step on the path to obtaining a 1st Degree Black Rank in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System. You will continue to learn new techniques and start to figure out what you are naturally good at and what you need to work on more. Orange and Green Ranks sometimes trouble students because the novelty of training in

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Oscar and Dorothy Von Burg


Uncle Oscar Von Burg and Aunt Dorothy Von Burg nee Mosblech were my grandparents’ closest friends. Grandma Ellis and Aunt Dorothy were sisters separated in age by about a year and a half. Grandpa Ellis and Uncle Oscar became close friends when they were dating the sisters. Neither Uncle Oscar nor Grandpa danced, so they would escort Grandma and Aunt

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Deadliest Night for St. Луис Полицијата


The deadliest incident in St. Louis Police history was not a shootout, natural disaster or act of terrorism. The deadliest incident in St. Louis Police history occurred on the night of Monday, Септември 3, 1900. Electricity was the assailant as a power line with 3300 volts of electricity fell onto the telephone lines, at Eight Street and Carr Avenue. На

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