Том Ален пука покровител

британскиот награден борец-том-ален-во-подоцнежните години-околу-1897 година

Том Ален е роден во Бирмингем, England on April 23, 1840 но тој стана познат како борец со голи зглобови во тешка категорија во Америка. Населувајќи се во Св. Louis around 1867, Ален го освои американското првенство во тешка категорија во 1873 и ја задржа титулата до 1876. Се вратил во Англија една година пред да се врати во Св. Луис за добро во 1878. Back

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Големиот натпревар пропаѓа


In March 1893, newspapers across the country carried the story of a proposed match between current world light heavyweight boxing champion Jack McAuliffe and Saint Louis boxing instructor Mike Mooney. Although the match would seem odd because Mooney was such a lightly regarded challenger, the lure of $2500 a side is probably what brought the champion to the table. Adjusted

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Johnny Reagan Dies in St. Louis


Johnny Reagan was an important fighter in the St. Louis boxing scene during the first decade of the 20th Century. Originally from Brooklyn, Reagan moved to St. Louis to train under Jack McKenna. McKenna based his operation out of St. Louis, where his fighter primarily fought at St. Louis’ West End Club. Reagan was a rising bantamweight at the time

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Union MO Bank Robbery Book Signing


Во саботата, Април 9, 2022, the Franklin County Missouri Historical Society invited me to give a PowerPoint presentation on the Union Missouri Bank Robbery of 1902. The book covers the robbery, the investigation, two nationwide hunts for the fugitive and a daring break from the St. Louis City Jail. Two daring robbers, not yet 23 години, pulled off

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Man Kills Middleweight King

Стенли-Кетчел-1910 година

After averaging 9 fights a year over the past 7 години, World Middleweight Boxing Champion Stanley “The Michigan Assassin” Ketchel was exhausted. Ketchel took a vacation on the Missouri ranch of his friend Colonel R. P. Dickerson in an attempt to regain his strength and enthusiasm for fighting. Ketchel never returned from vacation as he was shot and killed at

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Абе Attell суспендиран за борба Поправање


Абе Attell беше тешка боксер. Тој го освои Светското Featherweight шампионат во бокс за двапати. Тој и неговиот брат Монте беа првите браќа да биде светски боксерски шампион во исто време по Монте го освои Светското првенство bantamweight. Абе Attell освои својата прва титула, кога тој беше со седиште надвор од Вест Енд бокс клуб во Сент. Louis, MO.

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Monte Attell Battles Reagan


Monte Attell was the younger brother of World Featherweight Boxing Champion Abe Attell. Monte would always be stuck in the shadow of his older brother but was a talented fighter in his own right. Monte would win the World Bantamweight Boxing Championship during his career and establish himself as a world class fighter. Во 1904, he was a 19-year-old up-and-coming

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Attell Defends Against Reagan


During his first run as World Featherweight Boxing Champion, Abe Attell was based out of St. Louis, Мисури. Besides having his camp in St. Louis, Attell defended his title several times at St. Louis’ West End Athletic Club. Во времето, St. Louis was the largest city west of the Mississippi River in the United States. Born Abraham Washington Attell

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Gotch Wanted Hack in St. Louis


Frank Gotch took the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Tom Jenkins in December 1903. Gotch intended on following up this triumph with a match for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt. Gotch wanted to meet “Hack” во Санкт. Louis during the 1904 Светскиот саем. Unfortunately for Gotch and St. Louis, the match would not occur until 1908 in Chicago,

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Abe Attell Defeats Forbes


St. Louis, at the beginning of the 20th Century, had a prominent professional boxing scene. Abe Attell, although born in San Francisco, was based in St. Louis. On February 1, 1904, Attell defended his World Featherweight Boxing Championship against frequent rival Harry Forbes. Forbes was also a regular on the St. Louis boxing scene. Forbes defeated Danny Dougherty for the

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