逮捕鬥牛犬德拉蒙德 (1939)

霍華德接過了鬥牛犬德拉蒙德作用 1937, 當它成為一個 “乙” 電影專營權派拉蒙. 派拉蒙投保更高的產品質量比一般 “乙” 電影. 該系列有更強大的演員導致其比正常高品質.

逮捕鬥牛犬德拉蒙德 (1939) (友情鏈接) 上月發布 11, 1939. Besides the capable Howard playing Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond, George Zucco plays the villain Rolf Alferson in the film. Rolf Alferson has taken possession of a deadly ray weapon capable of destroying conventional weapons and materials.


John Howard as Bulldog Drummond

Captain Drummond is preparing for his marriage to longtime girlfriend and fiance Phyllis Clavering, while trying to catch Alferson. His friend Algy and butler Tenny assist Captain Drummond in juggling his upcoming nuptials with clearing Capt. Drummond of the murder of the weapon’s inventor. Drummond is determined to recapture the weapon and Zucco’s Rolf Alferson.

John Howard was born John Cox, JR. in Cleveland, Ohio on April 14, 1913. After graduating college, Howard gained a small part in a 1934 電影. Before his retirement from film and television in 1978, Howard acted in 115 電影和電視節目. Howard died on February 19, 1995 在 81 years of age from the effects of heart failure.

逮捕鬥牛犬德拉蒙德 關於運行 57 分鐘. Let me know what you think of Howard’s and Zucco’s performances.

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