約翰·L. Sullivan Arrested


週二, 十一月 18, 1884, World Heavyweight Bare-Knuckle Prizefighting Champion John L. Sullivan fought Al Greenfield at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Sullivan needed to overcome more than just his opponent in this bout. The men originally agreed to fight on Monday, 十一月 17, 1884, but New York City authorities threatened the men with arrest. The wrangling with

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插曲 17 – 作者課程


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/5vctyw/Episode_177wnp9.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadUpdate I will continue to release two episodes a month for the foreseeable future. 下一集將於週一發布, 一月 23, 2023. I also share my thoughts on Vince McMahon forcing himself back onto the board of World Wrestling Entertainment. Main Content I speak about what I knew going into each

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威廉 - 馬爾登

威廉·馬爾登 (William Muldoon) 是衛冕世界重量級摔跤冠軍和著名的體育文化家, 當他與約翰·L訂婚時. 沙利文的支持者讓他們的戰鬥機保持狀態. 沙利文是衛冕世界重量級裸拳拳擊冠軍. 他簽署了一份協議來迎接他最艱難的挑戰者, 傑克·基爾蘭, 在七月 1889. 沙利文承認自己身體狀況不佳,

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