插曲 68 – 開始促銷


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/w8xx4379qy8ai3ti/Episode_68be7jw.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the beginnings of the regular St. Louis wrestling promotion in 1921. I also discuss the Mr. McMahon documentary on Netflix. Update Due to illness and medical appointments, we are a little late on releasing the episode this week. 工作世界中的射手: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional

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插曲 64 – 聖. 路易’ 第一位職業摔角手

喬治 - 巴蒂斯特

https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/spdmc7h6u67pu7gw/Episode_645yst8.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, 我討論聖人的職業摔角和裁判生涯. 路易’ 第一位職業摔角手, George Baptiste. 更新本集, 我們現在將成為每周播客. 我們可能會偶爾回顧一下劇集. 丹也將在兩週後重返演出. 工作世界中的射手: 約翰·佩塞克

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插曲 63 – 冠軍劃分


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/n8uwavgcmk7ne2vs/Episode_6375896.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, 我們討論 1925-1928, 當兩個艾德 “扼殺” 劉易斯和喬·施切爾獲得世界重量級摔角冠軍. 更新迦勒, 特雷和我討論了丹關於我們每週參加播客的建議. 工作世界中的射手: 約翰·佩塞克 (John Pesek) 和 1920 年代促銷戰爭現已在亞馬遜上發售. 我也推薦

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插曲 62 – 三宅太郎/力道山 vs. 木村


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/szxuwn4ujrbrfxke/Episode_629zo4s.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, 讓我們來看看三宅太郎在英格蘭的挑戰賽,回顧一下國家摔角聯盟成立後為數不多的一次雙重出擊. 更新 我將在九月初到中旬發布約翰佩塞克 (John Pesek) 的書 2024. 我希望在十二月之前完成下一本書 2024. 我推薦《鬥羅大陸》

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插曲 60 – 聖. 路易斯摔角


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/did8ub8hmszincxc/Episode_609wvte.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, 我討論聖公會的發展. 湯姆·帕克斯 (Tom Packs) 和薩姆·穆奇尼克 (Sam Muchnick) 帶領路易斯摔跤晉級. 更新我們將在下個月八月發行兩集 12, 2024, 和八月 26, 2024. 我不會出版約翰 “內布拉斯加虎人” Pesek 預訂至八月底或中旬

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插曲 58 – 1910 賭圈


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/f3p7uaja28cwn5zw/Episode_5868af3.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the federal government prosecuting a gambling ring in 1910. The case exposed how wrestlers worked matches to bilk fans betting on the matches. Update I discuss Janel Grant’s legal team pausing Ms. Grant’s lawsuit as the federal government continues their investigation. I also discuss AEW’s need to correct course

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插曲 57 – 發生了什麼事?


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/eeqc2peen7iscvva/Episode_578wxzc.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the upcoming podcast schedule and revisions to kenzimmermanjr.com. Update I removed many of the Legacy posts around genealogy, family life, and film. I discuss why in this episode about why I started blogging and how the website has changed over that time. You can leave a comment or ask

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插曲 56 – 在美國境外工作


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/3uewyeeu5ttfgfnv/Episode_56bcopi.mp3Podcast: 發揮新窗口 | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss wrestlers and jiu jitsu fighters working matches in Brazil. We also review WWE’s King and Queen of the Ring. We had a few audio issues in this episode but the audio was still usable. We should correct the issue in June. We will be back to the normal recording

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